
共 2847 個結果
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The dangerous fixation over purging all things Western

... l things “Eastern” as inherently good. To understand how this sort of Manichean worldview and reductionist rhetoric emerged, we must turn to history. There exists a widespread belief amongst certain s ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-03

Hong Kong’s recovery: Greatest threat is parochialism

... he Middle East and especially to the UAE is telling. In many ways it was an acknowledgement that there is much to learn from others, including a small nation. The Chief Executive was quoted as saying ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-27

中華煤氣高層張柏堅 細說煤氣燈150年故事

... (IGEM Far East District)Immediate Past Chairman(前任會長),我 ...全文


倫敦Waltham Forest樓價升幅贏首都
Leyton打造活力社區 宜居之選

... 少音樂人的故鄉,包括East 17、Blazin' Squad和獨立搖滾樂隊Hefner。   文藝氣息濃 ...全文


Is Taiwan worth defending?

... South and East China Seas, China would have a stranglehold over the economies of both countries. If Japan and South Korea lose confidence in America’s ability or commitment to defend their security, t ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-14


經過十幾年來進行122254次實驗後,中國有「人造太陽」之稱的全超導托卡馬克核聚變實驗裝置(EAST)前晚打破 ...全文


開市焦點:黑期挫逾三百點失兩萬關 融創復牌

... rth Field East項目一條生產線5%的權益,這是世界上最大液化天然氣(LNG)項目的一部分。 吉利( ...全文



中國石油及天然氣巨頭中國石化(00386)將收購卡塔爾North Field East項目一條生產線5%的權益 ...全文


Europe must tax brown and subsidize green

... ue moving east and south as clean ones move west across the Atlantic? Europe must prevent this outcome. But how should EU leaders proceed? Unlike in the US, European policymakers have long heeded the ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-11


Polo不少作品是公共藝術,其一為擺放在本港觀塘工業區的地標——Walking East,它位於駿業街,高5米 ...全文


PICO FAR EAST(00752) 月報表

PICO FAR EAST(00752) 截至2023年3月31日止月份之月報表(132KB, pdf) ...全文


Which HK district is most defensive in home rental?

... e and the East Rail (which made travel from Shatin Station (20 minutes) faster than Chai Wan (23 minutes) to Admiralty) provided strong support for these rail-friendly estates. The case for buying a p ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-29

PICO FAR EAST(00752) 憲章文件

PICO FAR EAST(00752) 經修訂及重述之組織章程大綱及章程細則(942KB, pdf) ...全文


PICO FAR EAST(00752) 股東周年大會通告

PICO FAR EAST(00752) 二零二三年三月二十四日舉行之股東週年大會之表決結果(392KB, p ...全文


The SVB fallout: From the Fed to geopolitics

... e can at least sketch out initial conclusions from Federal Reserve policy to geopolitics. What are the broader risks? Policymakers judged—correctly in our view—that while SVB’s risk management practic ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-23

劉石佑擬售嘉宏航運 估值78億

... vices Far East)在內多項資產;彭博引述知情人士透露,劉石佑已跟全球物流公司及其他潛在買家初步會面 ...全文



... 事故現場東巴勒斯坦(East Palestine),兩個土壤樣本的有毒並可能致癌物二噁英含量,超出部分州份的標 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年03月18日

PICO FAR EAST(00752) 末期業績 / 其他-雜項

PICO FAR EAST(00752) 二零二二年年報披露之補充資料(91KB, pdf) ...全文


A new era of McCarthyism

... cifically East Asians – in white-majority areas in the country. I’ve had friends who cut their teeth practising law and medicine in the United Kingdom, relaying their concerns in private to me over th ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-10

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