
共 386 個結果
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Will Trump declare war on North Korea?

... he Korean Peninsula obviously matters a lot to investors. A war will be very costly as it will affect three of the world's largest economies – the United States, China and Japan. Shipping lanes will b ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-16

Seoul warns US against unilateral military action on N Korea

South Korea's President Moon Jae-in said on Tuesday that there will be no military action upon the Korean peninsula without Seoul's consent and that his administration will prevent war by all means. " ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-16

North Korea backs off threat to attack Guam

... he Korean Peninsula and in its vicinity, testing the self-restraint of the DPRK, the [North] will make an important decision as it already declared,” the report quoted Kim as saying. Kim added that th ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-15

Why this Hongkonger sold his flat to live on a Sai Kung islet

... ighboring peninsula in the 18th century. It became a hive of fishing and salt production during its mid-19th century heyday when population swelled to over 1,200, which also led to the establishment o ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-10

China says dialogue vital to tackle Korean peninsula crisis

China's foreign minister said on Sunday new UN Security Council sanctions on North Korea were the right response to a series of missile tests, but dialogue was vital to resolve a complex and sensitive ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-07

會地下半年3盤 逾2200戶應市

... LL交樓程序後,油塘PENINSULA EAST亦已落成及獲批滿意紙,將於8月分批發信予業主收樓;同系將軍澳C ...全文


North Korea can hit most of United States: US officials

... he Korean peninsula's east coast, according to KCNA. The flight demonstrated successful stage separation, reliability of the vehicle's control and guidance to allow the warhead to make an atmospheric ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-01

US bombers fly over Korean peninsula after North's missile test

The United States flew two supersonic B-1B bombers over the Korean peninsula in a show of force on Sunday and the US ambassador to the United Nations said China, Japan and South Korea needed to do mor ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-31

South Korea proposes military talks with Pyongyang

... he Korean peninsula will be instrumental for pushing forth a mutual, virtuous cycle for inter-Korea relations and North Korea's nuclear problem," the South's Unification Minister Cho Myoung-gyon told ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-17

Iceberg the size of Bali breaks off Antarctica

...  off. The peninsula is outside major trade routes but the main destination for cruise ships visiting from South America. In 2009, more than 150 passengers and crew were evacuated after the MTV Explore ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-13

What if the hawkish Victor Cha is named US envoy to Seoul?

As tensions on the Korean peninsula continue to boil, President Donald Trump's choice for the next US ambassador to Seoul has become a subject of particular interest both in the academic and diplomati ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-12

THADD missile defense thwarts mock attack: US

... he Korean peninsula nuclear issue, have been exaggerating and giving prominence to the so-called 'China responsibility theory'," Geng told a daily news briefing, without naming any parties. "I think t ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-12

How will the North Korea nuclear crisis play out?

... he Korean Peninsula can eventually be defused, it will depend, to a significant extent, on how much further Beijing's patience with the escalating brinkmanship of Pyongyang can be stretched. It is bec ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-06

倫敦Leamouth Peninsula享臨河優勢
藝術文化新區 340萬港元做「島主」

英國倫敦臨河住宅身價高人一等,東面的Leamouth Peninsula三面環水,更加罕有矜貴,南北兩面均有大 ...全文


Goodluck Hope單位選擇多元

位於Leamouth Peninsula南面的Goodluck Hope,佔地2.7公頃,計劃興建10幢住宅, ...全文


US-China dialogue leaves two sides far apart on North Korea

... he Korean Peninsula and seeking a final solution through dialogue and negotiation.” The American position is that North Korea must abandon its nuclear weapons program before any negotiations can begin ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-26

Why did Saudi Arabia want to punish Qatar so badly?

... on a tiny peninsula that shares its only land border with Saudi Arabia, has close economic ties with Tehran and has taken sides with it on several issues in the past has aroused deep suspicions among ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-14

Xi Jinping's Marco Polo strategy

... n and the peninsula of Western Europe at the two ends of Eurasia, the US could create a balance of global power that would be favorable to American interests. The Pentagon and State Department are sti ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-13

South Korea fires at suspected drone near border with North

... he Korean peninsula after the North's test-launch of a ballistic missile on Sunday which Pyongyang said proved advances in its pursuit of building a nuclear-tipped weapon that can hit US targets. The ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-24

Hong Kong investors pile into London property

... pounds in Peninsula Place in the Greenwich district; it will include 800 flats, office space and 500 hotel rooms. Earlier in May, HK-listed CC Land Holdings said it had paid 1.135 billion pounds for t ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-18

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