
共 2765 個結果
頁數:1...121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 ...139

Scamsters seek an easy ride at Luohu bus station

... ost, only makes things that much harder for the passengers and easier for the fraudsters. Related story: The latest in tourist scams -- Contact us at [email protected] MY/JP/RC ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-11

US bitcoin firm launches eurozone consumer service

... tem. This makes it possible for users to send money to and from a bitcoin account more easily in 14 of the 18 eurozone countries, the Financial Times reported, citing the group's co-founder Fred Ehrsa ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-11

Huawei gets the timing wrong on anti-corruption drive

... rise that makes decisions based on commercial, and not political, factors. But more on that later. First let's focus on the latest headlines, which say that Huawei's internal anti-corruption campaign ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-11

Taiwan dumpling maker in gutter oil scandal makes amends

A popular Taiwanese cake and sausage maker said its Hong Kong outlets sold hundreds of rice dumplings cooked in gutter oil.  Black Bridge Co. Ltd. said 1,100 rice dumplings were sold in Hong Kong betw ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-05

The mooncake coupon economy

... al, which makes them a lot like cash rather than just mooncake coupons. Such moves have stabilized the value of these coupons, and customers are more likely to buy and keep them, giving traditional mo ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-04

Munchkin cats look cute, but at what cost?

... ones that makes him refuse to walk. Sometimes it is so painful that he can't even jump into his litter box," Wong said. Li Changsheng, a local vet in Tseung Kwan O, said he has been receiving more Mun ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-04

Londoners worry about losing their homes to Chinese

... me.  What makes the matter worse is that the average earnings for British have risen by less than the rate of inflation for the fifth year running in 2013, according to the UK's Office for National St ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-02

How young graduates cheat their way to home ownership

... applicant makes less than HK$9,670 a month, he or she can't afford to rent a private apartment, so a public rental flat is the answer and the government can make such flats available. That's the theor ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-02

Leung urges pan-democrats not to rush into a 'no' vote

... rds. That makes it impossible for any pan-democrat to be on the ballot, according to pro-democracy groups. Leung echoed Basic Law Committee chairman Li Fei who said most pan-democrats are patriotic, a ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-01

Take a selfie? Why not, say 6 in 10 Hongkongers

... g selfies makes people feel better about themselves and enhances their self-confidence and increases their sense of recognition online. The survey also reveals that one percent of respondents would ta ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-01

Guinean student brings Ebola to Senegal

...  The case makes Senegal the fifth country in West Africa to be affected by an outbreak of the disease that has killed more than 1,500 people. Senegal has already closed its land border with Guinea, wh ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-01

Facebook hires 18-year-old for full-time engineering job

... aid. That makes him one of the firm's youngest employees. Sayman is said to have been discovered as he was using the company's tools for developers in a popular iPhone application he created.  "The su ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-29

Why sheep are better than politicians

... ght which makes him unable to see differences within his group and with others outside it. Which leads us to the next question: Should politicians be led by another politician or by another species su ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-28

NPC panel issues draft paper on Hong Kong CE election: report

... committee makes a decision on the draft proposal Sunday.   Alliance for True Democracy, a pro-democracy group comprising academics, will decide on its next step after the final decision by the NPC sta ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-27

Ocean Park prepares for first Halloween Fest after Allan Zeman

...  fact, he makes an appearance in the ad for the Halloween Fest, and his line goes, "I am back". Some find that line funny, others ironic. Helena Law Lan and Lana Wong, two actresses famous for playing ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-27

MTR put on the mat over dog death, but let's draw the line!

... s of what makes this city stand apart from others. You should be proud to have lived here because the city obviously cares about you and your fellow creatures. Related stories: Netizens rip into pro-g ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-26

Let our kids get enough sleep

... tion also makes them prone to road accidents, while others face health issues such such weight gain and depression. “When high school classes begin early in the morning, we ask teens to shine when the ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-26

China Mobile staff forced to sell 4G handsets

... na Mobile makes handset foray China Mobile continues to boost capex for 4G development -- Contact us at [email protected] BT/RA ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-26

Returning graduates: Deng Xiaoping would be pleased

... ong. This makes life more difficult for local graduates who now face much stiffer competition. Because of proximity, Hong Kong is particularly attractive since mainlanders who work there can return ho ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-26

A British mum's very own fairytale

... rough now makes a living acting and singing at children's parties and events, winning a lot of fame and admiration. It all began when Terri's five-year-old daughter Phoebe begged her mom to dress up a ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-25

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