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環保戰士 護洋行動

... 波紋裝飾,顯現出刻上Ocean Commitment字樣的金色擺陀。腕錶不例外地備有潛水錶特有的單向旋轉錶圈, ...全文


Ocean Park exec dies after accident during Russia charity event

A senior executive of Ocean Park, Hong Kong's popular marine-themed tourist attraction, has died after he met with a traffic accident during a charity bicycle rally in Russia last week. Arthur Wong Ch ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-07

Where to seek solace from the scorching heat

... sneyland? Ocean Park? You must be kidding. They are open areas, the most exposed to the sun in Hong Kong. Staff in those theme parks, especially those donning the Mickey Mouse and Captain Whisker getu ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-02


... 洋(Plastic Ocean)。明珠台的一小時特輯《塑膠殺鯨事件》(A Plastic Whale),探討去 ...全文


精緻料理展現 哲學藝術共融

... 芝蓮星級餐廳The Ocean by Olivier Bellin後,最近於中環藝術文化熱點H Queen's ...全文


Chinese equities earn their place in long-term portfolios

... op in the ocean compared with the 3,500 companies that have A-Shares listed in China, with a combined market capitalization of around US$8.5 trillion. Opening up the floodgates In reality, however, th ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-16

帆船元素 渡海時計

... a為紀念Volvo Ocean Race環球帆船賽推出的限量版腕錶,亦有百年靈專為帆船好手研發的智能腕錶等,絕 ...全文



... 人。 《盜海豪情》(Ocean's Eleven)系列最早的作品在1960年,由法蘭仙納杜拉、甸馬田、小森美戴 ...全文



... 力的例子,叫The Ocean Cleanup。他們認為與其派出船隻去撈海洋垃圾,不如嘗試借用海洋的橫流,那才 ...全文


Let's go plastic-free to save the ocean

... ating our oceans. According to available statistics, Hong Kong produces over 2,000 tons of plastic waste daily, constituting more than 20 percent of the garbage we send to landfills. Solving the probl ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-29

Trump’s trade policy is all about thwarting Made in China 2025

... quipment, ocean engineering equipment and hi-tech ships, advanced rail transportation equipment, energy-saving vehicles, power equipment, new materials, agricultural machinery and biomedicine, and hig ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-20

Empty homes tax: more show than substance

... op in the ocean compared to the huge public demand for new homes, and therefore would do little to cool off the sizzling property market. Nonetheless, government sources have affirmed that the empty h ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-13

鯨魚吃膠亡 減塑豈容拖

... 清潔計劃」(The Ocean Cleanup),提到垃圾會集中在全球五大環流中,但要逐一撿拾極之費時。該會集 ...全文


Shipping industry, a major polluter, under pressure to clean up

...  to equip ocean-going cargo ships with rigid sails embedded with solar panels. The technology will enable ships to use both solar and wind energy at the same time. The company will start a trial sail ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-07

Plastic waste in Antarctica reveals scale of global pollution

... e world’s oceans in the Pacific. On Tuesday, it said that less than a 10th of all the plastic ever made has been recycled, and governments should consider banning or taxing single-use bags or food con ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-07

WeWork goes full throttle in China

... tal, Sino Ocean Group, Zhima Credit, a subsidiary of Ant Financial Services Group, and others. In mainland China, WeWork and Zhima Credit have entered into a strategic partnership to create the world' ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-04

MH370搜索結束 失蹤4年航空業不解謎

... ,跟美國海底勘探公司Ocean Infinity簽約,委託對方90天內搜索南印度洋一處約2.5萬平方公里的水域 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年05月30日

Ferry crashes into parapets at Ocean Terminal; no one injured

Police and the Marine Department are trying to determine what may have caused a ferry boat to go crashing into the outer parapet walls at the Ocean Terminal in Tsim Sha Tsui on Monday. Operated by the ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-29

大馬新政府甫上台 下周二停搜MH370

... 判予美國海床勘探公司Ocean Infinity的搜索工作原訂4月結束,但已應對方要求兩度延期,在下周二的最後 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年05月24日

Russian military spending falls 20 percent, says think tank

...  Atlantic Ocean with your navy,” Wezeman said. “But I am sure that there will be serious cost cuts to those.” Russia’s finances are still fragile following a two-year economic downturn brought on by W ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-02

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