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...  Research Centre)的資料顯示,美國疾病管制與預防中心(CDC)指當地過去每年有逾60萬宗合法墮 ...全文


EU divided in how to deal with China

... xhibition centre that focuses on electric and new energy cars. He also toured the headquarters of Siemens. Martin Brudermuller, chief executive of chemical company BASF, said that, while there were ri ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-03

倫敦Palace and Hurlingham享泰晤士河景
凱特王妃駕臨添貴氣 住宅入場費卻親民

...  Shopping Centre Wandsworth的商店數目更有約110家。 據英國政府土地註冊局(HM ...全文


港股海外註冊 清盤如何執行

... 利益中心管轄範圍內(centre of main interests)任命的臨時清盤人才可以獲得認可。 作者陳 ...全文

今日信報理財投資行業微觀陳浩然 李匡弘2023年07月01日

Healing the mind

... ckey Club Centre for Research and Prevention, for people between ages 15 to 24 there have been between 900 to 1,000 deaths by suicide every year over the last decade. Unquestionably, the restrictions ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-15

“Brexit has failed”

... rt by the Centre for European Reform (CER) and UK in a Changing Europe in January this year. The increase in immigration from non-EU countries was not enough to compensate for the loss of EU workers w ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-15

"Brexit has failed"

... rt by the Centre for European Reform (CER) and UK in a ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年06月15日

悉尼Chatswood「港式生活」多姿采 頂尖名校匯聚 睽違4年 終於有新盤 真正核心地段 步行5分鐘至火車站

... 及Mandarin Centre。感覺就像身處銅鑼灣,幾乎盡攬所有澳洲知名品牌,還設有大量免費泊車位,居民「足 ...全文


Paul Chow we miss

... a medical centre serving the vast Chinese population with top-notch Western medical knowledge. Weeks after the gathering, I stole him away from his favourite Four Seasons Hotel to the Foreign Correspo ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-14


... 清潔空氣研究中心」(Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air)發 ...全文


港企研GPT-4客服 AI與真人無縫接軌

... 幫助中心(Help Centre)及網站結合,在聊天室內建立企業內部知識庫,並把它用於訓練對話模型。聊天機械人 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2023年05月18日

Taking HK businesses to next level with 5G and edge computing

... K Medical Centre and Tseung Kwan O Hospital, as well as traffic monitoring systems. 5G networks can also enable the deployment of IoT devices for autonomous transportation, personal health monitoring, ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-25

Good use of caverns will increase our land reserves

Online shopping and work from home have become the new normal after the three-year pandemic, driving the demand for network connectivity and creating strong demand for data centres. At the same time, ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-24


... hem Space Centre)的遙測數據。 美考察規模仍最大 中國力追 美國、英國和南韓等多國均有在南極 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年04月20日


... Citigroup Centre),由美國花旗集團承租,但該金融機構近年發展一波三折,兩年前宣布將退出中國內地 ...全文


Which HK district is most defensive in home rental?

... , Fanling Centre and Flora Plaza, also in Fanling. In particular, Fanling Centre topped all estates with a 6.6 per cent price increase to about HK$29.6 per square foot. It goes without saying the Tuen ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-29

Talent development takes years, so we should start now

... rcomputer centre launched in the next 2-3 years, do we have sufficient professionals to manage and operate it? Hardware is easy to come by but talent is hard to find. Just like the Common Spatial Data ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-28

全球金融中心排名 港續居第四

... Financial Centre Index,GFCI),香港排名不變,維持第四位,但總評分減少3分,錄得72 ...全文



... (Wellness Centre),獨家為友邦香港本地及訪港的高淨值客戶,於預防及預測疾病之領域,提供個人化和 ...全文


極右勢力如何 掩飾氣候變化

加拿大安大略省科技大學旗下的「仇恨、偏見與極端主義研究中心」(Centre on Hate, Bias and ...全文


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