
共 548 個結果
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總理槓上電訊商 官企博弈三不解

... 不到結尾的。 撰文:劉怡 ...全文


朱選與不選 都要負責任

... 他責無旁貸。 撰文:劉怡 ...全文


香港有機會 港人有危機

... 港人的,一目了然。 劉怡 (本報記者) ...全文

今日信報EJ Global軟硬中國劉怡2015年05月02日

What Facebook saw in WhatsApp

... t Liu Yi {劉怡} thinks the question is not about how much it cost but whether it's worth the price. Unlike Google, whose acquisitive appetite is well known, Facebook has a more defensive approach to acq ...More

EJ Insight2014-02-24

Sounding off: Reality TV and the death of original music

... s Liu Yi {劉怡} sat down with the songwriter once described as “a man with an ear for a woman’s heart,” to find out just what he thinks about the state of play in the industry. Liu: What do you think ab ...More

EJ Insight2014-02-17

Wealthy Chinese vote with their feet

... t Liu Yi {劉怡} wrote in the Hong Kong Economic Journal. EB-5 applications lodged to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) -- the government agency that oversees lawful immigration to the ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-29

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