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世界鐵人公司World Triathlon Corporation(WTC)是擁有「三項鐵人」運動(Triat ...全文



... 企業。萬達集團董事長王健林上周六(26日)出席旗下西雙版納國際度假區開幕儀式,並宣布在當天與雲南省政府簽訂合作 ...全文


Li Ka-shing is top philanthropist - but who is absent from list?

...  Jianlin (王健林), with US$42.6 billion. However, Li topped the Hurun Report's global list of Chinese philanthropists, released Tuesday, with 15 billion yuan (US$2.35 billion) in lifetime donations, ahea ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-09

Wanda Cinema: from supporting role to prime act

...  Jianlin {王健林} -- now the richest man on the mainland, according to Forbes -- could have never envisioned that his business would have anything to do with motion pictures and cinema chains. Back then ...More

EJ Insight2014-04-24

Why Wanda is different from Alibaba and Tencent

Soon after Wang Jianlin {王健林} began testing the e-commerce waters, his Wanda Group, China’s biggest private property owner, launched an online-to-offline (O2O) web portal and a mobile app called Wanhu ...More

EJ Insight2013-12-17

Dong bets a billion yuan but what was she thinking?

Remember the 100 million yuan bet Alibaba founder Jack Ma {馬雲} made against Wanda boss Wang Jianlin {王健林} that e-commerce would soon account for half of China's retail sales? The stakes have gone up t ...More

EJ Insight2013-12-16

Wanda, Alibaba chiefs bet again -- this time it's on O2O

...  Jianlin {王健林} and Alibaba founder Jack Ma {馬雲} had a tit-for-tat exchange over the country's outlook, at the end of which Wang bet 100 million yuan that e-commerce would not have half of the retail m ...More

EJ Insight2013-12-12

Wanda’s growing appetite for fine arts

...  Jianlin {王健林}, also China’s richest man this year according to Forbes, dismissed concerns over the highest price paid by a Chinese company for a painting in an overseas auction, noting that his compa ...More

EJ Insight2013-12-02

How Wanda avoids whiplash from breakneck expansion

...  Jianlin {王健林}, also mainland China’s richest man according to Bloomberg, simply shrugs off these concerns when confronted by the media. As he puts it, “cash flow is more crucial than gearing ratio” f ...More

EJ Insight2013-10-15

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