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非洲黑人非洲花衫?廣州佛山一大群,繁衍生息,可只有Dior女裝藝術女總監,Grazia Chiuri,想得到在 ...全文


大和:美團送餐業務韌性高 上調評級至持有

大和資本 美團點評(03690) 評級:跑輸大市->持有 目標價:47元->63元(較前收市價60 ...全文



印度馬拉松式大選已經開始,共分7個階段,至5月19日結束,民望高企的現任強人總理莫迪爭取連任,最大對手是老牌政 ...全文


How the govt can encourage R&D in Greater Bay Area

I recently bumped into Nicholas Yang Wei-hsiung, the Secretary for Innovation and Technology, at an event, and took the opportunity to discuss the prospects for innovation and technology development i ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-25

The big shortfall of social welfare facilities

The 2019-20 budget has proposed the allocation of HK$20 billion for the purchase of 60 private properties to establish 130 social facilities. Since then, heated discussion has centered on the tremendo ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-19


如果你問哪裏是香港聲效最好的音樂表演場地?「荃灣大會堂演奏廳」是指定答案。從表演者證言到多年來唱片公司身體力行 ...全文


HA to hire more nurses, offer higher pay to ease work strain

The Hospital Authority (HA) pledged to hire more nurses and increase their pay in a bid to ease the burden of frontline healthcare workers amid the severe manpower shortage and surging patient numbers ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-15

Hospital staff cancel sit-in after 8% pay hike offer

Support staff of public hospitals have called off a protest after the Hospital Authority (HA) offered a pay rise of 8 percent. The workers' unions had planned a sit-in at the HA headquarters on Thursd ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-07

DCs won't be consulted on property for welfare facilities: Law

Secretary for Labour and Welfare Law Chi-kwong said on Monday that his bureau will buy dozens of properties from private owners over the next three years to set up more welfare facilities for the elde ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-05

Paul Chan's budget disappoints on housing

Apart from some routine sweeteners, such as property rates concession and tax rebates, the budget unveiled by Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo-po on Wednesday was a lackluster affair that didn't conta ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-01


香港舞蹈團2019-20舞季將呈獻兩大經典舞劇,創造你我的集體回憶。四度公演的大型藏族民族舞劇《塵埃落定》,由 ...全文


HK$5.5 billion allocated for development of Cyberport 5

Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo-po has earmarked HK$5.5 billion for the development of the fifth phase of Cyberport, a government-owned complex in Telegraph Bay with a cluster of technology and digit ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-28

Paul Chan says most apt color for HK this year is light green

Hong Kong this year will be at a critical stage, presented with both danger and opportunities, therefore the outlook for the city is uncertain, says Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo-po. As such, Chan, ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-25


卡記以往在學時是文藝青年,經常投稿,以至參加各類徵文或戲劇方面的比賽,贏過不少獎金和獎品。因此,卡記也常鼓勵各 ...全文


Paul Chan says sorry for cash handout chaos in live Q&A session

Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo-po offered an apology after citizens bewailed on social media the chaotic procedure for applying for the government's HK$4,000 cash handout for poor people. Chan admit ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-28


勞工及福利局局長羅致光發表網誌,澄清早前在一個電台訪問有關託兒服務的言論。 他指出,關愛基金2017年設立項目 ...全文



資訊科技的盛行增添了現代父母管教子女的難度,父母一方面要承認資訊科技已經成為子女不可或缺的學習工具,另一方面又 ...全文



踏入5月,稅務局寄出約260萬份個人報稅表,相信不少打工仔已收到稅單。身為市民,當然會關心政府如何處理稅款,希 ...全文



美銀美林發表報告指,由於缺乏大型招股活動,且金管局不增發外滙基金票據,預計港滙將於今年第二季觸及7.85的弱方 ...全文


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