
共 328 個結果
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Bipolar markets in the 'New Mediocre'

Financial markets tend to undergo manic-depressive cycles, and this has been especially true in recent years. During risk-ons, investors – driven by “animal spirits” – produce bull markets, frothiness ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-23


美國聯儲局最近以前所未有的政策大改變震驚了市場。2018年12月,聯邦公開市場委員會(FOMC)召開會議,將聯 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2019年03月22日

Understanding the Fed’s dovish turn

The US Federal Reserve surprised markets recently with a large and unexpected policy change. When the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) met in December 2018, it hiked the Fed’s policy rate to 2.25- ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-19


繼2017年全球同步經濟擴張後,我們在2018年迎來了不同步增長,除了美國之外,大部分國家開始經歷減速。憂慮美 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2019年02月12日

A mixed economic bag in 2019

After the synchronized global economic expansion of 2017 came the asynchronous growth of 2018, when most countries other than the United States started to experience slowdowns. Worries about US inflat ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-11

Trump vs the economy

Financial markets have finally awoken to the fact that Donald Trump is US president. Given that the world has endured two years of reckless tweets and public statements by the world’s most powerful ma ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-31

孳息曲線僅趨平坦 經濟衰退明年未到

人人突然談論美債孳息曲線倒掛(yield curve inverted),但警號或是過早敲響。歷史上,孳息曲線 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2018年12月20日

【EJFQ信析】中國縱不拆倉 美債也難安寢

全球矚目的「習特會」將於12月1日舉行,兩國官員在會前各自「放風」,營造對本身有利的談判氛圍。中國駐美大使崔天 ...全文


中國縱不拆倉 美債也難安寢

全球矚目的「習特會」將於12月1日舉行,兩國官員在會前各自「放風」,營造對本身有利的談判氛圍。中國駐美大使崔天 ...全文



世界各國央行的行長都已開始討論中央銀行數碼貨幣(Central Bank Digital Currencies ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2018年11月22日

Why central bank digital currencies would ruin cryptocurrencies

The world’s central bankers have begun to discuss the idea of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), and now even the International Monetary Fund and its managing director, Christine Lagarde, are ta ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-20

Some things we learnt from the FinTech Week

The Hong Kong FinTech Week 2018 event, which concluded last Friday, outlined hope that financial technology has a future in this city. So what did we learn? Cryptocurrencies are finally being taken se ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-07

HODL: A fool's game or long-term vision?

No, this is not some kind of weird spelling mistake. "HODL – Hold on for dear life" is a term that has kept investors going through hard times. If Winston Churchill was still alive (and invested in Cr ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-18

The big blockchain lie

With the value of Bitcoin having fallen by around 70 percent since its peak late last year, the mother of all bubbles has now gone bust. More generally, cryptocurrencies have entered a not-so-cryptic ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-16


10月1日,周一。2008年爆發的金融海嘯,令敢於有咁淡唱咁淡的論者一夜成名,當中最具代表性的要數紐約大學斯特 ...全文


The makings of a 2020 recession and financial crisis

As we mark the decennial of the collapse of Lehman Brothers, there are still ongoing debates about the causes and consequences of the financial crisis, and whether the lessons needed to prepare for th ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-14


當前全球經濟前景與一年前比較起來顯得如何?2017年,世界經濟正在經歷協同擴張,發達經濟體和新興市場的增長都在 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2018年07月25日

Trump may kill the global recovery

How does the current global economic outlook compare to that of a year ago? In 2017, the world economy was undergoing a synchronized expansion, with growth accelerating in both advanced economies and ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-19


有末日博士之稱的紐約大學經濟學家魯賓尼(Nouriel Roubini)表示,早前全球經濟的兩大亮點是美國和中 ...全文



如同今年的其他一些事件一樣,一個持民粹主義歐洲懷疑論立場的意大利政府上台的可能性,讓全球投資者瞪大了眼睛。意大 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2018年06月05日

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