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德勤:今年乏巨企上市 集資料減34%

雖然本港今年缺乏超大型新股上市,但會計師行德勤仍估計今年本港可保住全球集資三甲的位置。德勤全國上市業務組聯席領 ...全文



大家還記得卡梅倫(David Cameron)嗎?是的,他就是去年「豪賭」失敗把英國帶上脫歐之路及賠上仕途的英 ...全文



以為隨着不同「派系」的隕落,殼股市場會出現減價大平賣的現象?勤達集團(01172)的賣盤告訴大家殼股有價有市。 ...全文


China self-service gymbox operator said to raise US$30 mln

Supermonkey, a self-service fitness gymbox operator in China, is believed to have raised at least US$30 million (around HK$234 million) in series C funding in a recent transaction. The investment was ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-14

Give grassroots students an equal learning opportunity

The government is set to pull the plug on the Internet Learning Support Program in August next year, according to media reports. The program, run by the Office of the Government Chief Information Offi ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-13

Lyft starts Canada service in first international foray

US ride-hailing company Lyft Inc. on Tuesday launched its service in Toronto, marking the first time it has taken its battle against the much larger Uber Technologies Inc. outside of the United States ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-13

China's internet giants do their bit for poverty alleviation

During the Chinese Communist Party's 19th National Congress in October, President Xi Jinping stressed that the government will take targeted measures for poverty alleviation. The Chinese leader didn't ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-11

Climate-change fight returns to Paris

Nearly two years have passed since France’s then-foreign minister, Laurent Fabius, struck his gavel and declared: “The Paris agreement for the climate is accepted.” Next week, President Emmanuel Macro ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-11

China growth objectives clash with financial stability goal: IMF

China should prioritize financial stability above development goals, as pursuit of regional growth targets and helping firms avoid heavy job losses had led to a surge in debt, particularly at local go ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-07


外電報道,日本軟銀集團(SoftBank)旗下的科技基金「願景基金」(Vision Fund),正考慮投資平保 ...全文


The globalization of our discontent

Fifteen years ago, I published Globalization and Its Discontents, a book that sought to explain why there was so much dissatisfaction with globalization within the developing countries. Quite simply, ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-06

Intercontinental Exchange holds back on crypto-futures

Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) has put a lot of thought into the idea of futures contracts on cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, but has yet to move forward due to the opaque nature of the underlying mar ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-06

How Ren Zeping's pay jumped 200 times in three years

Ren Zeping, a renowned economist, will join Chinese property developer Evergrande as vice president and chief economist. He will get a monthly salary of 1.25 million yuan, 207 times his wage three yea ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-06


人人都有心魔,美國醫療產業心中的惡魔就是亞馬遜,怕被搶生意,這也是美國大型連鎖藥房CVS Health豪擲77 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年12月06日


當各國已轉向探索火星,中國的「嫦娥五號」月球探測器也會推遲後,印度剛宣布計劃在明年3月登陸月球。 目前只有美國 ...全文


China to place top priority on risk control

The People's Bank of China recently unveiled some guidelines aimed at curbing financial risk in the asset management industry. The impact of the new rules will gradually be felt in the market. The nat ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-05

Alaska: So cold, so far and so rich

During his recent state visit to China, US President Donald Trump was accompanied by an “Alaska energy delegation”. That should not be a surprise. As the largest state in the United States, Alaska has ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-01

The right to health is universal

On this year's World AIDS Day, on December 1, we should remember the 35 million people who have died of AIDS-related illnesses, and the 76 million who have been infected with HIV since reporting began ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-01

Vontobel馮為佳 推崇三個Alpha投資哲學

目前環球金融市場波動性偏低的情況可能持續,市場風險胃納強勁,普遍投資者的投資意欲維持一貫。然而,面對環球金融市 ...全文



面對港股市場已被一家公司完全主導,市場又一片喧鬧什麼港股大時代2.0,老友Candice的姨媽姑姐也傾巢而出問 ...全文


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