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【國際早班車】聯儲局理事:美通脹難快速回落 或隨時反彈

聯儲局理事:美通脹難快速回落 或隨時反彈 聯儲局理事傑斐遜強調,外界不應有錯覺,以為美國通脹很快降低至2%局方 ...全文


對沖基金經理警告 標指或下試3000點

對沖基金Satori Fund創辦人、知名對沖基金經理尼爾斯(Dan Niles)警告,標指可能在年中之前下試 ...全文


黑石擬成立新策戰基金 冀集資780億

路透報道,美國另類投資巨擘黑石(Blackstone)計劃成立新的策略基金,不為投資類別設立限制。公司希望為新 ...全文


APAC real estate: Opportunities to rise as borrowing costs bite

With major central banks outside of Japan tightening their monetary policies to counter rising inflation in recent months, borrowing costs have increased sharply in most developed Asian markets. Banks ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-23

美國收水加息 企業減債應對

近期美滙指數及美國債息均上升,主要原因在於美國經濟數據較強勁或跌幅較預期緩慢,包括消費、就業率、PMI、PPI ...全文


孫正義質押軟銀持股 累增至35%

外電引述監管披露文件顯示,軟銀集團創辦人孫正義質押給金融機構的股票數量,已增至1.7525億股,相當於他在軟銀 ...全文


Financing global survival

We must face, and act upon, an inconvenient truth. The impact of human activities on Earth’s geology and ecosystems is threatening the foundations of life on our planet and decades of progress in huma ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-20


沙地阿拉伯主權財富基金首次進軍中國遊戲市場,押注於騰訊控股(00700)支持的電競賽事組織公司VSPO。 沙地 ...全文


Manpower training is key to digital transformation

At the end of January, the Government launched the Hygiene Blackspots website, which not only lists more than 700 blackspots in Hong Kong and the progress of the authorities' cleansing efforts, but al ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-16

Smarter climate finance for the developing world

Recent estimates suggest that the developing world will need $1 trillion of external climate finance annually by 2025, and $2.4 trillion per year by 2030, to meet the goals enshrined in the Paris clim ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-16


復常後香港市民紛紛外出公幹及旅行,上周筆者與香港財務策劃師學會亦到澳門拜會澳門政府人才委員會等,了解澳門推行的 ...全文



索羅斯基金管理(Soros Fund Management)提交的公告顯示,儘管去年電動車生產商特斯拉(Tes ...全文


Putting America’s debt in its place

The ruckus in the United States over the federal debt ceiling has redirected attention toward soaring public borrowing. Against the backdrop of monetary tightening by the Federal Reserve, piling up mo ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-13

團體投書聯合國 政制局曾提建議

有傳媒報道,明基金會(Halo Fund)向聯合國經濟、社會及文化權利委員會(CESCR)遞交的意見書,曾經由 ...全文



土耳其總統埃爾多安在俄烏戰事左右逢源,記得去年戰爭爆發之初,他親身前往烏克蘭與總統澤連斯基會面,並表示支持及出 ...全文


Hong Kong is waiting for a kiss

Is Hong Kong back on track after a month of reopening? Yes, spring returns, and things are looking better. There are more people asking for street directions in Putonghua but they are not lining up ou ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-08

Could these two trends save Britain?

As if conditions weren’t gloomy enough in the United Kingdom, the International Monetary Fund recently downgraded the country’s growth forecast even as it offered a brighter outlook for the rest of th ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-08


日本軟銀公布截至去年12月底止第三季業績,虧損7834億日圓(約466億港元),遜市場預期賺2059億日圓,主 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年02月08日

Preparing now for the next health emergencies

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the weaknesses and lack of preparedness of health systems globally. When the virus was at its peak, many low- and middle-income countries struggled to save lives whil ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-07

How to transform African agriculture

The COVID-19 pandemic, compounded by supply-chain disruptions and surging inflation, has highlighted the fragilities of Africa’s food systems, leading to a 60% increase in hunger across the continent ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-06

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