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... 回報。原業主購入價為228萬元,持有近5年後賺272萬元,升值1.19倍。 嘉湖山莊本月至今已錄得42宗成交, ...全文



... 部套現分派,滙豐可獲228億元。 值得指出的,恒生2月出售套現157.9億元,當時是顧及監管資本要求的安排。管 ...全文


千代田「築淺」 淨回報4.6厘

...  日本橋半新樓 叫價228萬 位於中央區日本橋蠣殼町一丁目的ARIA City Nihonbashi,於201 ...全文


Why is G.E.M. charging more than Madonna for London gig?

...  price of 228 pounds, according to the Ticketmaster website in London. Making her debut in 2008, G.E.M. has been a sought-after teenager in her early career due to her powerful singing despite her pet ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-11

道指似成頭肩頂 7年一跌正重演

道指本周二三分別下跌142點及86點,共跌228點,周四反彈,回升82點,收報17924點。道指由去年11月至 ...全文


溫哥華東尋寶 獨立屋夠吸引
求過於供價看升 投資者轉戰

... 價35.5萬加元(約228萬港元),按季升4.4%。另一房地產資料供應商Teranet公布3月數據顯示,溫哥華 ...全文


港股今日料反彈 騰訊港交所宜多加留意

... 收報13768點,跌228點或1.6%。 內地滬指三日累挫逾8%,短期能否守穩4000點大關勢成為市場焦點。內 ...全文



... 收報13768點,挫228點(1.64%),跌幅約為上證綜指(2.77%)的六成。恒指連挫6日累跌1151點, ...全文



... ,收報13768,跌228點,或1.64%。滬深股市也全線下跌,上證綜指收報4112.21,跌117.05點, ...全文



... 柏由6幢住宅組成,共228伙,長實地產投資董事郭子威表示,項目全屬4房間隔。 君柏開售在即,新地天鑄亦展開攻勢 ...全文



... 芊薈已獲批售樓紙,共228伙,極有機會與天鑄的256伙對撼。 有見土瓜灣喜點上周日一炮沽清164伙,恒地隨即部 ...全文


Hongkongers spend most on food in Asia Pacific

... 1,771 (US$228) per person per month on dining out during last year's second half, up from HK$1,654 in the first half. The figures were way higher than the average HK$938 reported elsewhere in the regi ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-27

Baidu may outshine Alibaba in MSCI shift

... ked by US$228 billion of passive funds and US$1.52 trillion of actively managed funds, according to MSCI. Of the two internet giants, Baidu stands to benefit more because MSCI bases its calculations o ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-24

World Bank to offer first equity index-linked green bond in Asia

... euros (US$228 million), will be issued in several tranches and probably within a six-month period, Benjamin Biette, director of equity derivatives structuring and trading at BNP Paribas, told at a pre ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-13

Putin cronies bag new multi-billion-dollar state contracts

...  secure a 228 billion ruble order to build a bridge to Crimea, which Russia annexed in March, a source was quoted as saying. In all, firms linked to Rotenberg and Timchenko have received since March o ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-11

What chicken leg? Mooncake-deprived workers go on strike

...  yuan (US$228) a month, remain on strike. People’s Daily, the official mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist party, appeared to take the side of the disgruntled workers. In an online commentary, it said ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-10

Garment boss flight puts more Fujian firms in bind

... ansferred 228 million yuan (US$37 million) from its bank account in Hong Kong to two different accounts between January and April this year. Nuoqi reported the transfers to the Ministry of Public Secu ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-11

H&M plans e-commerce launch in China, WSJ says

... re it has 228 stores, the report said. H&M has been selling more clothes in China but margins are tighter there than in more developed nations, boosting the need for a better business model, it sa ...More

EJ Insight2014-03-28

RMB global use gains ground, paper says

... , rose to 228 in the three months to December, up 56 percent from a year earlier. It rose 20 percent from the previous quarter, the report said. The index is expected to gain momentum this year amid i ...More

EJ Insight2014-02-19

Nordea scouts for partners in yuan mission

... ea AM had 228 billion euro (US$307.66 billion) in assets under management as of September last year and is backed by its Stockholm-listed parent, which has market capitalization of about 39.7 billion ...More

EJ Insight2014-02-06

頁數:1...69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77

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