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鮑威爾周內兩作證 貿談存變數

... 高位遇「憂慮之牆」 Aberdeen Standard Investments高級投資經理埃塞(James A ...全文

今日信報EJ Global本周美股前瞻2019年02月25日


... 克利夫獲私募基金公司Aberdeen Murray Johnstone支持,買下Inspec的化工業務,創辦I ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2019年02月23日

三菱UFJ售標準人壽股份 套現34億

日本三菱UFJ金融全數出售所持有的英國資產管理巨擘標準人壽(Standard Life Aberdeen)的5 ...全文


市場擴張10倍 設團隊籌備

... dard Life Aberdeen亞洲主管Hugh Young表示,渣打的情況顯然是令人失望,但相信渣打具有 ...全文


HK faces wild boar dilemma in Year of the Pig

... ue in the Aberdeen country park. “In fact, we see them as our neighbors.” Reuters -- Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-04

Man, 65, arrested for cutting hair of lady dozing off on bus

... on Bay to Aberdeen on Sunday morning, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. Not long after the bus entered the Cross-Harbour Tunnel, a passenger seated behind the lady pulled out a pair of scissors ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-14

美滙偏軟 金價升0.1%

... 數微跌,利好金價。 Aberdeen Standard Investments投資策略總監Maxwell Go ...全文


醜聞處理惹禍 GAM自食其果

... dard Life Aberdeen都面對旗艦基金資金大舉外流的問題,意味它們不太可能從GAM挖走專責新興市場 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年12月18日

Investors managing US$32 trillion in assets urge climate action

... ement and Aberdeen Standard Investments signed the 2018 Global Investor Statement to Governments on Climate Change demanding urgent action. “The global shift to clean energy is underway, but much more ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-10

28 Aberdeen St.複式戶3200萬沽

... 的中環住宅項目28 Aberdeen St.成功招標出售2樓及3樓複式單位,成交價3200萬元。 中原地產表示 ...全文


Couple found dead in suspected murder-suicide in Aberdeen

Police are investigating a suspected murder-suicide case involving a man and his wife who were found dead in their flat in Aberdeen. According to news website hk01.com, the police received a call at a ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-06

恒大再撲水 增發10億美元票據

... 吸引投資者。報道引述Aberdeen Standard Investments亞洲企業債兼新興市場信貸研究主管 ...全文


Asia shares swoon to 19-month lows after Wall Street rout

... ement and Aberdeen Standard Investments to be “low profile” in marketing it, as concerns rise in Beijing over possible outflow pressures. China’s central bank has been allowing the yuan to gradually d ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-11

施羅德夥拍萊斯 商合營財富管理

... dard Life Aberdeen),目前施羅德是首選,但貝萊德(BlackRock)亦有機會奪標。施羅德的 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年10月09日

Schroders, Lloyds in talks over wealth management alliance

... dard Life Aberdeen (SLA), which previously managed the money. The mandate was pulled from SLA after Lloyds said the 2017 merger of insurer Standard Life and Aberdeen Asset Management meant the enlarge ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-08

瑞安航空應收氣焰 紓緩勞資緊張

... 來未有盡責。即使股東Aberdeen Standard Investments投資總監肯尼迪(Alison K ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年10月02日


...  Aid位於阿伯丁(Aberdeen)的貨倉。案件很多細節仍在調查及確認中,包括確實死亡和受傷人數、犯案動機等 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2018年09月21日


... dard Life Aberdeen)共同行政總裁Martin Gilbert認為,中國將成為貿易戰最大不確定 ...全文


天鑄洋房呎價9.5萬 貴絕九龍
月內第4宗成交 合計套現近10億

... 展的中環單幢盤28 Aberdeen St.,項目21樓North室以1672萬元售出,實用面積407方呎,呎 ...全文



... 目相關資料。 28 Aberdeen St.造價冠全港一房 新盤市場錄高價成交,太古地產(01972)前主席簡 ...全文


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