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歐股挫 債息跌 金價彈

... 1美元。石油服務公司Baker Hughes資料顯示, 美國鑽油台數目上周增加12個,至640個,是30周以來 ...全文


供應側重豪宅 首置上車難

... 今天再大跌入市良機 Baker Avenue Asset Management投資總監利普(King Lip) ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年06月22日


... 格蘭人Robert Baker首次使用。1900年巴黎博覽會,哄動一時。直到電影誕生,它由盛而衰。最後剩下荷蘭 ...全文



... 的貝克麥堅時律師行(Baker & Mckenzie)只有4200名合夥人左右。聞名天下的黑石私募(T ...全文


產油大國 能源飢渴

... 過去兩年,沙地採用的Baker Hughes天然氣鑽井數目增加了一倍,高見45座,直迫歷史高位。 問題是增產並 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2015年05月29日


Ted Baker繽紛的設計在亞洲大受歡迎,2015春夏系列除了蝴蝶結設計,並以花卉圖案為主角,迎合春夏的自然 ...全文


Ted Baker 遍地開花

... 英國時尚品牌Ted Baker,最為人熟悉的就是絢爛的印花圖案。自1988年在格拉斯哥成立至今,Ted Bak ...全文


卡梅倫縱保相位 恐中途落馬

... 監貝克(Greig Baker)表示,保守黨人很實際,若該黨保住政權,便會讓卡梅倫留任首相,但該黨黨內其實不太 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global英國大選2015年05月05日


... 達人Herbert baker brothers、保育專家Irwin家族、釀酒師Eddie McDougall ...全文


Shell in advanced talks to buy BG Group

... ces rival Baker Hughes Inc. for some US$35 billion. But in a sign of how difficult such tie-ups can be to strike in such a volatile pricing environment, Whiting Petroleum Corp., a medium-size US oil a ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-08

Chinese double investments in Europe

...  law firm Baker & McKenzie. Over the past decade, 70 percent of Chinese investment in Europe has gone to economies that have emerged relatively unscathed from the financial crisis, the newspaper s ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-11

Halliburton, Baker Hughes to lay off thousands as oil slumps

Oilfield service providers Baker Hughes Inc. and Halliburton Co. plan to cut thousands of jobs as drilling activity slows further amid a steep fall in crude prices, Reuters reported. Global oil prices ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-21

US diplomacy museum draws criticism

...  James A. Baker III, Madeleine Albright, Colin Powell and Hillary Rodham Clinton in the event. Of the seven living ex-secretaries of state, all of whom are honorary directors of the museum, only Condo ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-05

Baker & McKenzie becomes world’s biggest law firm

Baker & McKenzie has overtaken DLA Piper to become the biggest law firm in the world by revenue, surpassing the US$2.5 billion barrier for the first time, the Financial Times reported Monday. Bake ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-11

China may mirror new US law on tax cheats, SCMP says

...  law firm Baker & McKenzie, as saying that China, as a G20 member state, would probably follow suit. -- Contact HKEJ [email protected] SK ...More

EJ Insight2014-03-28

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