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周四共售388戶 累收逾4200票

... 南BOTANICA BAY成交價理想,豪宅市場向好,料即將推售的何文田天鑄亦會取得理想銷情。 折實呎價1.38 ...全文



... 基金Renshaw Bay所導致的損失,向他發行若干股份作補償。渣打最快或於本月稍後有機會向他發行股份,有關股 ...全文



...  BOTANICA BAY億元沽7號屋 田兆源說,同系大嶼山南BOTANICA BAY以1.18億元沽出7號屋 ...全文


八十後鐵板燒總廚 炮製將軍澳本土味

... 名副其實的Junk Bay。「剛來的時候什麼都沒有,這裏都是海,一片荒蕪,遍地黃土;我很記得不少同學都住調景嶺 ...全文


Amid MERS scare, some familiar thoughts in HK

... n Kowloon Bay area. During the outbreak, 329 residents of Amoy Garden were infected by the virus and 42 lost their lives. About half of the dead were from Block E in the housing estate. Residents were ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-11

HSBC anniversary banknote tanks on spot market

... d Kowloon Bay International Trade and Exhibition Center. They accused HSBC of failing to police the queues and prevent overcrowding as traders and customers conducted business on the spot. -- Contact ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-10

Xiaomi opens 'Mi Home' experience center in HK

... n Kowloon Bay last summer. "As our founder Lei Jun said, we want to make friends with the users," Eugene Chan, a district sales manager, told EJ Insight at the launch ceremony. Mi Home is a facility w ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-09

Why quality of KMB bus captains is declining

... s Kowloon Bay depot to rent out the empty office space to make more profit, and it is rumored that layoffs are in the pipeline. On the surface, the firm is putting inadequately trained bus captains on ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-08

Mystery shrouds massive Stanley fish kill

Tens of thousands of dead white fish have washed ashore in Hong Kong's Stanley district but authorities don't know what killed them. The massive fish kill covered a big swath of St. Stephen's Bay in a ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-08

Undocumented boy returns to mainland voluntarily

... n Kowloon Bay on Thursday to request that he be sent back to the mainland immediately, Ming Pao Daily News reported. It was a surprising move considering that just a fortnight ago the boy was seeking ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-05

Wild boars trigger freak motor accidents

... learwater Bay in Hong Kong's Sai Kung district on Thursday. On Wednesday night, a Honda Jazz car smashed into six vehicles at an outdoor car park in Stanley after the driver tried to avoid a wild boar ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-04

Cruise ship sinking mars China maritime safety record

... ike Bohai Bay in northeast China, where it will prevent ships from sailing once winds become too strong, he said. The Changjiang Maritime Safety Administration, responsible for a third of the Yangtze, ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-03

No need to panic about MERS outbreak: HK health chief

...  Causeway Bay at about noon Sunday and forced into quarantine. Ko said the possibility that the duo may be suffering from MERS as part of a community outbreak cannot be ruled out. Meanwhile, a student ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-01

孟加拉自顧不暇 羅興亞人苦矣

孟加拉位處孟加拉灣(Bay of Bengal)出口,是世界上最大的三角洲地區。美國中央情報局估計,孟加拉人口 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global信觀點Malih Fairooz2015年05月30日

Ransom stash seized from Bossini kidnapping suspect

... learwater Bay by nine men believed to be from China's southwestern Guizhou province. She was released unharmed after her family paid the ransom. -- Contact us at [email protected] EL/AC/RA ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-29


... 南BOTANICA BAY的買家亦曝光,為恆興業集團創辦人趙善簪。 土地註冊處資料顯示,寶城大廈B座高層2室, ...全文



... E Repulse Bay」樓下一家美式餐廳內,一邊享用午餐,一邊透過落地大玻璃所欣賞到的怒雨春色。 沙灘茶座 ...全文


Politicians should learn lesson from illegal immigrant's case

...  Causeway Bay to the Immigration Department in Wan Chai, demanding the government send the illegal immigrant back to the mainland. They said the government will set a bad precedent if it allows the bo ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-26

交通四通八達 出租收入可觀

... Half Moon Bay更只相隔2公里。想投入滲涼的海上世界,完全是輕而易舉的事。 學校及運動設施充足 至於 ...全文


Retail shop employee exposes spy cameras in locker room

...  Causeway Bay complained to Ming Pao newspaper, saying she had seen several guards watching female employees change clothes. The woman, surnamed Li, said the high-definition closed-circuit cameras sho ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-22

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