
共 328 個結果
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The use and abuse of inflation history

George Santayana famously observed that, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” But allow me to offer a corollary: Those who misremember the past may be led into error by mis ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-15

Too much gloom and doom?

Nouriel Roubini thinks the global economy is “lurching toward an unprecedented confluence of economic, financial, and debt crises, following the explosion of deficits, borrowing, and leverage in recen ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-14

Global markets not out of the woods yet

Looking toward the balance of 2022, one thing is clear: we are not out of the woods yet. Both the global economy and global investment markets continue to be waylaid by familiar risks. That does not m ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-22

APAC investment outlook: Patience needed

Global markets rallied hard from the lows in June on hopes of a Federal Reserve (the Fed) pivot before correcting in mid-August. The correction was mainly driven by the Federal Reserve’s message durin ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-03

9月新盤售605伙 半年最少
Wetland 3期次輪價單沽98% 加推39戶

新界區上車盤銷售再報捷,新地(00016)旗下天水圍Wetland Seasons Bay第3期(Wetlan ...全文


EY forum discovers potential of data,finance,ESG interconnection

EY Synergize GBA Forum discovers the potential of data, finance and ESG interconnection The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) is one of China’s major economic development strategies. A ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-07

Will the dollar’s surge end in whiplash?

The US dollar has been on a tear this summer. The Japanese yen and the euro have fallen to their lowest levels against the greenback in two decades; the euro, long worth more than one dollar, is now h ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-02

Bond market: Rising like a phoenix from the ashes?

The bond market has literally gone up in flames after a decade of falling yields reversed in a matter of weeks. Starting with low yields, tight spreads and high equity multiples, changing fundamentals ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-30

Why commodity prices are likely to fall further

Big movements in the prices of oil, minerals, and agricultural commodities have been among the most salient economic developments of the past couple of years. The sharp rise in commodity prices for mu ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-24

Holes in the recession story

With so much talk of stagnation, inflation, and stagflation in recent months, it is worth questioning whether the prevailing pessimism is justified. While I have shared in the gloom (warning early on ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-18

嶺南小學舊校址 申建豪宅惹反對

有財團今年6月向城規會申請,把東半山司徒拔道豐景臺連同毗連的嶺南小學及嶺南幼稚園舊址,一併發展豪宅,提供44伙 ...全文



座落東半山豐景台及嶺南小學與嶺南幼稚園舊址,再向城市規劃委員會申請改劃,計劃作分層住宅及洋房混合發展,惟最新方 ...全文


A stagflationary debt crisis looms

The global financial and economic outlook for the year ahead has soured rapidly in recent months, with policymakers, investors, and households now asking how much they should revise their expectations ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-30


美據報為拜登和習近平今夏通話做安排外電消息稱,美國官員正推動總統拜登和中國國家主席習近平今年夏天通電話。 歐央 ...全文


必嘉坊.曦匯收逾2000票 今截飛

新盤混戰,周六(18日)有多個新盤同日開售,恒地(00012)紅磡大型住宅重建項目必嘉坊.曦匯首輪賣182伙, ...全文


南豐陳慧慧女婿2.88億購Central Peak特色戶

新地(00016)發展的東半山超級豪宅Central Peak,上月以雙破頂價錢售出一個特色戶,買家身份曝光, ...全文


Why we do not get the service we deserve these days

Two months since the reopening, we are back to restaurants and even staycation. But it is far from normal, especially on the service level. That is the conclusion I had after taking my first staycatio ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-15

Central banks still far behind the inflation curve

Major central banks have lost the plot when it comes to fulfilling their price-stability mandates. In April, 12-month US consumer price index (CPI) inflation was at 8.3%, down slightly from 8.5% in Ma ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-13

Surviving a future of extreme heat

Although nearly all heat-related deaths are preventable, heatwaves kill thousands of people worldwide every year. At this very moment, an extreme heatwave in India and Pakistan, affecting about one bi ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-08

柏瓏I利奧坊.壹隅貢獻大 瀚名沽59伙

自放寬限聚令後,新盤市場氣氛即變得熾熱,在信置(00083)牽頭發展的元朗錦上路站柏瓏I(柏瓏發展項目第1A期 ...全文


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