
共 65 個結果
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How uneven nature of pandemic impact boosts copper prices

In the 10-½ months since hitting their lows, copper prices have risen by over 70% to their highest levels since January 2013. The strength in copper may come as a surprise given the pandemic’s disloca ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-16


銅價觸底以來,在10個半月內上揚了超過70%,來到2013年1月以來的高點【圖1】。在世界經濟受疫情影響的情況 ...全文


Supply-demand dynamics of oil as vaccines emerge

The oil market’s reaction to news of two potentially highly effective COVID-19 vaccines seemed peculiar. Given the pandemic’s continued, and escalating, presence in the United States and Europe, one m ...More

EJ Insight2021-01-21


石油市場對兩種可能非常有效的新冠疫苗消息有異常的反應。美國和歐洲疫情持續,而且不斷升級,預期近月期貨合約的價格 ...全文



在疫情之前,中國官方的數據顯示,中國經濟多年來穩定增長,按年增速在6.2%至7.5%之間,鮮有比普遍預期偏差超 ...全文



在疫情之前,中國官方的數據顯示,經濟多年來穩定增長,按年增速在6.2%至7.5%之間,鮮有比普遍預期偏差超過0 ...全文

今日信報理財投資神州視野Erik Norland2020年11月24日

China’s growth recovering amid signs of caution

Prior to the pandemic, China’s official data showed many years of stable growth ranging from 6.2% to 7.5% year on year, rarely missing the consensus estimate by more than 0.1%. That is no longer the c ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-23


在2020年上半年全球經濟深度萎縮的情況下,工業金屬的價格卻展現出非凡的韌性。銅價已反彈至年初疫情前的水平,雖 ...全文


Metals caught in a supply-demand tug of war

In the face of a deep, global economic contraction in the first half of 2020, prices of industrial metals have been remarkably resilient. Copper has rebounded to pre-pandemic levels at the start of th ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-11

How the pandemic could reshape consumer and business behavior

What will the economic and social landscape look like in a post-pandemic world? Will the behavior of individuals as consumers and that of companies change once we leap past the consequences of Covid-1 ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-21

預知大宗商品表現 關注經濟增長

玉米、大豆和小麥價格與主要出口國的貨幣走勢持續密切相關。玉米和小麥價格對俄羅斯盧布的走勢敏感,大豆、豆粕和豆油 ...全文


Commodities eye 2020 China growth prospects

Prices of corn, soy and wheat are continuing to move closely in line with the currencies of key exporting nations. Corn and wheat prices are sensitive to movements in the Russian ruble (RUB) while soy ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-24


內地經濟活動被新冠肺炎疫情拖垮,芝商所高級經濟學家Erik Norland稱,中國首季GDP增長或最多只錄得4 ...全文


Gold: Impact from US and Chinese policies

Gold prices have been on a wild ride. Between 2000 and 2011, they rose from US$280 to around US$1,900 per ounce before falling back to US$1,050 in 2015. Currently, they are trading at around US$1,400 ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-15


本周末中美元首將在G20峰會期間會晤,市場觀望談判結果,將決定美國是否如期於7月起再向中國貨品加徵關稅。芝商所 ...全文



美國時間5月12日,華盛頓宣布於5月17日將就中國2000億美元商品徵收的10%關稅上調至25%,並可能將額外 ...全文


How grain, oilseed prices dance to a new global tune

Agricultural prices are often at the mercy of the weather and a set of economic forces including planting, growing-and-harvest cycles and crop inventories. These risk factors are important price deter ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-10


我們往往認為穀物和油籽價格是受天氣及特定經濟因素影響,包括種植、生長和收穫周期以及庫存。但除此之外,宏觀經濟因 ...全文



我們往往認為穀物和油籽價格是受天氣及特定經濟因素影響,包括種植、生長和收穫周期,以及庫存。除此之外,宏觀經濟因 ...全文

今日信報理財投資商品期貨Erik Norland2019年05月07日

評中國經濟 芝商所執董稱感樂觀

中美同意貿易戰暫時停火,美國大豆、玉米等農產品有機會重新輸入中國,芝商所執行董事兼高級經濟學家Erik Nor ...全文


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