
共 1101 個結果
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雖然外圍股市造好,但港股續受A股拖累,恒指低開8點後跌幅擴大,午後最多跌逾250點,其後在低位拉鋸,全日收市仍 ...全文


China payments: Time for HK firms to try their luck

The Octopus payments system has again been the subject of much discussion in Hong Kong in the past few weeks. Even the venerable British magazine The Economist, in its November 23 issue, published an ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-27


香港金融管理局早前公布了7項金融科技(FinTech)措施,以推動香港發展「智慧銀行」,其中一招是引入虛擬銀行 ...全文


Fintech firm WeLab said to eye US$500 mln Hong Kong IPO

WeLab Ltd., a Hong Kong-based financial technology firm backed by billionaire Li Ka-shing and the Credit Suisse Group, aims to launch an initial public offering next year, Bloomberg reports. The onlin ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-24

Making Greater Bay Area a global technology and innovation hub

It may surprise some in the West that China – the Greater Bay Area in particular – is already a world leader in innovation, technology and advanced manufacturing. The latest data from the United Natio ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-23

PayPal rolls out new US service that integrates Acorns app

PayPal has announced a new partnership with micro-investing app Acorns, an initiative which the former says is aimed at helping its users "take better control of their financial lives".  Under the dea ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-22

AI sees promising application prospects

The artificial intelligence (AI) sector attracted US$30 billion in investments worldwide last year. China alone spent US$8 billion in the AI space. The staggering figures highlighted the rapid growth ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-22

平保FinTech上身 癡醉媲美茅台

繼騰訊(00700)市值炒上40000億元,中國平安(02318)市值也炒上2000億美元之上,晋身全球第二大 ...全文


Eight firms make the final cut in DBS Accelerator program

Eight startups have emerged as finalists in the first phase of the latest DBS Accelerator program that aims to support innovations and entrepreneurship in the fintech arena. The eight finalists are Av ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-21

Glint offers multi-currency account that supports gold spending

An electronic payment app that allows people to pay for goods and services in gold has been launched by fintech firm Glint. Partnered with MasterCard and Lloyds Bank, London-based startup Glint launch ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-21


金融科技(FinTech)在中國的應用日益廣泛,財富管理行業亦藉着金融科技迅速增長,而銀行、保險和房地產行業也 ...全文

今日信報理財投資市場觀點Brett Diment2017年11月21日

輸出技術快收成 下一步分拆上市

中國平安保險(02318)近年積極向金融科技(FinTech)轉型,昨天於深圳舉行的投資者日也以此為題。平保首 ...全文



金管局於9月底公布多項推動香港金融科技(FinTech)發展的措施,包括將金融科技監管沙盒升級,該局副總裁阮國 ...全文


開業一年有錢賺 共享旅遊用品多贏

乘着共享經濟抬頭,張曉彤(Rachel)於2014年尾創辦租遊(JOYO),主攻旅遊用品租賃,適逢同期本港廉航 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年11月20日


星港兩地金管局均積極推動金融科技(FinTech)的發展,新加坡金管局金融中心發展署署長張晉銘認為,新加坡金管 ...全文


Japan: Land of the rising coin – a model for Hong Kong?

Japan is crypto-crazy. I confirmed this assumption during a recent two-month stay in Tokyo where I met an 85-year-old woman who told me that she owned several bitcoins and was considering investing in ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-17


二○一六年六月,新加坡央行(即新加坡金融管理局Monetary Authority of Singapore) ...全文



股市和經濟每日有無數新資訊,很易令人看不清重點。假若撥開雜音,近日其實有兩個消息和一個趨勢可堪關注。首先,內地 ...全文


Startup launches UnionPay card payment service for HK taxis

Hong Kong commuters can now use their UnionPay cards to pay for taxi fares. One2Paid, a cashless payment solution startup under local fintech company CamClaim, has partnered with UnionPay Internationa ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-13


擾攘了一個星期大家仍不能平復,太黑白分明了! 諷刺的是商台問雷鼎鳴教授可會補充或調整、更正或道歉,但全程連電台 ...全文


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