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Tapping global payment market by integrating regulatory systems

According to the Economist, in the past 10 years from 2011 to 2021, Singapore was ranked the seventh among the 12 largest cities with the most unicorns (startup companies valued at or over US$1 billio ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-06

Buy now, pay later 2.0 has arrived: Live now, pay later

The concept of consumer credit at point-of-sale has existed for many years. What started out as merchant loans, originally to farmers, later evolved into bank lending and credit cards. In recent years ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-02

Key priorities for virtual bank

The virtual banking race has been heating up in Asia in recent years. While virtual bank operations in Hong Kong commenced only two years ago, this year the Bank of Thailand plans to implement regulat ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-27

Cloud the key for APAC banks’ digital transformation

Throughout the pandemic, millions of consumers in APAC having shifted from in-branch transactions to online or mobile banking. While initially this shift was born of necessity, it resulted in droves o ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-19

科技園BFSI加速器 18業界領袖撐初創

香港科技園公司昨推出銀行、金融服務及保險業加速器2022(BFSI加速器2022),金融科技(FinTech) ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年05月17日

疫下催生新常態 財管業加速數碼化 顧問結合科技 提供靈活個人服務

新冠疫情持續超過兩年,其中第五波疫情的衝擊尤為嚴重,各行業包括私人財富管理行業在運作上都面對一定挑戰。業界人士 ...全文

今日信報理財投資私人銀行暨財富管理 專題特刊2022年05月12日

Reforming Hong Kong for the better: Economics and finance

The past few years have been extraordinarily treacherous for Hong Kong. The 2019 anti-extradition bill protests exacerbated long-standing grievances and divergences between the mainland and Hong Kong, ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-12

掌舵7年半轉跑道 擬投身FinTech

銀聯通寶(銀通,Jetco)是早年由中銀香港(02388)等5間銀行創立的自動櫃員機(ATM)網絡系統,與滙豐 ...全文


滴灌通B輪再吸5.5億 維港投資鄭志剛參與

由港交所(00388)前行政總裁李小加【圖】等人成立的創新金融平台滴灌通宣布,近日完成7000萬美元(約5.4 ...全文



連接全球資本與中國小微經濟的創新金融平台滴灌通宣布,完成7000萬美元B輪融資。紅杉中國作為滴灌通的早期投資者 ...全文



「技術創新將是未來銀行業的心臟和血液,如果大銀行不充分利用它,金融科技和大型科技公司必定善用它。」英國金融科技 ...全文



虛擬銀行開業初期多數向傳統銀行挖角,但隨着銀行業亦要加快數碼化發展,以符合監管及市場要求,有銀行業背景的虛銀舵 ...全文


Four recommendations for the budget on IT development

On the eve of the announcement of this year's Budget, due to the severe situation of the epidemic, it is understandable that the Budget continues to introduce counter-cyclical measures to support peop ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-21

重投傳統銀行界 助拓數碼化業務

金融管理局自2019年批出虛擬銀行牌照後,各營運商不單在業務上較量,拓聘人才也「爭崩頭」,8間虛擬銀行當中,除 ...全文



數碼港上周六(5日)網上舉辦第七屆「數碼港.大學合作夥伴計劃」(CUPP) 畢業典禮,向10支優勝隊伍頒發獎項 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年03月09日

「獅子」工作精神 Bolt晉身十角獸

從前,新創企業能夠成為獨角獸,代表非凡成就;但近來,尤其在支付科技領域,獨角獸已經沒有什麼大不了。最大的幾家, ...全文


Financial services: 5 trends to watch in 2022

As we turned the page on 2021, it’s time to think about where financial services is going next. Here are some big trends that will shape the space in the year ahead. 1. Decentralized finance (DeFi): L ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-21

Overcoming behavioural roadblocks to tech adoption in Hong Kong

Despite an economic downturn in recent years, new digital opportunities for Hong Kong businesses represent a positive outlook for the future. Designed to enable enterprises, SMEs, and individuals more ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-17


蘋果推出新功能,允許企業只需輕觸iPhone就能接受信用卡和數字支付,繞過Block旗下的Square這類終端 ...全文


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