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... ogle Home Hub播歌。現在星辰已經懂得隨着歌詞,做出不同動作,作為媽媽當然十分開心,而JJ和他的動物 ...全文



... npreneurs Hub),冀助工程師把有關概念商業化。 論及創科支援,數碼港行政總裁任景信坦言,本港創業者 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2021年06月23日

The conservative case for Gay Games

... e region) hub for Western expats and tourists – and dra ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年06月18日

The conservative case for Gay Games

... e region) hub for Western expats and tourists – and draw in individuals who are indeed making relocation decisions on the basis of the extent to which they are compatible with the local culture. The s ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-17

天水圍Wetland Seasons Bay月內開價

... 站The YOHO Hub,而同區PARK YOHO壓軸最後一期第8座,將以現樓形式推售,另外尚有北角海璇II ...全文


Wetland Seasons Bay最快月內批預售

... 目The YOHO Hub,亦會推售PARK YOHO最後一期第8座,會以現樓形式推售,以及北角海璇第二期及旺 ...全文


Integrating customer service support with social media

...  a global hub of product and service innovations, this disparity is evident. Those that have opened a bank account here know this – long lines, red tape, and stacks of paperwork make applying for a cr ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-02

3新盤2492伙申預售樓花 10個月最多

... 名The YOHO Hub 上月申請預售的石角路項目,鄰近日出康城,預計2022年4月落成,樓花期不足一年,提 ...全文


Office decentralisation trend in Hong Kong

... l finance hub and the need for quality office spaces can no longer be met by solely traditional CBDs. This challenge has also been addressed by the Hong Kong Government by rolling out the “Energising ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-06

Cyber defense the no.1 consideration for O2O retailers

...  regional hub has seen no exception. However, Hong Kong enterprises have lowered their guard on cyber defense readiness marginally to prioritize resources in combatting business downturn under the pan ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-30

今年全球減20%辦公室 港無大變

... 亞洲業務的地區總部(hub)已經相當足夠,現時滙控無意重新檢討總部選址。 ...全文


Telling the fortune of digital payments in 2021

... y, Sports Hub and Sentosa with WeChat Pay. Based on what we see from the examples above, social commerce isn’t just all about making your social feed or app the new Orchard Road or the next Pratunam M ...More

EJ Insight2021-02-26

貿發局3年獲撥3.8億 開拓虛擬展覽平台

... 動樞紐(Event Hub)的條件。 黃卓琛稱,中國剛公布《線上展會服務規範》就網絡展會訂定準則,歐美等平台恐 ...全文


本地再工業化推動多元經濟 科技園工業邨助發展高增值產業

... 數據技術中心(DT Hub)的開幕儀式。 為配合再工業化發展,科技園早前宣布位於將軍澳工業邨的數據技術中心(D ...全文


英更新營商指引 港降格區域樞紐

... (regional hub)。與此同時,在提及洗黑錢活動的內容中,則加入「作為國際金融中心,香港仍然是不合法及 ...全文


Dare-to-try spirit is key to FinTech hub

... Kong as a hub for innovation, concluded that the local banking industry is “lacking creativity and innovative thinking” and “resistant to change”, which has become an obstacle to Hong Kong's developme ...More

EJ Insight2021-02-01

疫後去中心化 力推遙距工作

... 公司計劃以軸輻網絡(Hub-and-Spoke)運作,屆時員工將散落於不同小型辦公室工作,毋須全體人員處於同一 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2021年01月26日

Does Hong Kong still have a place?

... e capital hub (e.g. IPOs, capital consolidation) would ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightA Hong Konger2020年12月29日

Does Hong Kong still have a place?

... e capital hub (e.g. IPOs, capital consolidation) would remain largely intact. A new Cold War may be brewing, but liquidity and investment are yet pouring in from all corners of the world – for a split ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-23

Why HK’s digital transformation shouldn’t end when COVID-19 does

... wide as a hub of digital research and productivity, this lofty status stands in stark contrast to the approach of many of the city’s businesses who take a more cautious “It’ll do” approach to their le ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-22

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