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港島南工廈活化項目Metro South正式招租

... 莎瑪匯(Shama Hub),共設139個房間,戶型由開放式至兩房套房,預計今年第四季開幕。 商業部分Metr ...全文



... 良好意願,可是,正如Hub Entertainment Research主管Jon Giegengack所言, ...全文


活化工廈Artisan Hub 全租出每呎最高23元

... 項目Artisan Hub剛全數租出,呎租最高達23元,創區內同類項目近期新高。 Artisan Hub位於六 ...全文


Artisan Hub全數租出 呎租23元

... 項目Artisan Hub,近月一個中層全層樓面獲香港國際米蘭青訓學院承租,面積約5564方呎。另外,大廈9樓 ...全文


Building a biotech alliance of democracies

... nnovation hub and a marketplace for leading-edge biotech. As of 2022, this has resulted in the US being home to the world’s largest number of biotech companies, nearly three times more than in China. ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-16

NOVO LAND 2A期暫收逾4800票 超額20倍

... 朗The YOHO Hub全新一期。 SmarTone為NOVO LAND打造智慧家居,單位預先配置SmarT ...全文


NOVO LAND 2A期周六次輪賣223伙

... 蓋The YOHO Hub發展項目第C期。 ...全文


NOVO LAND 2A期加推162伙
首輪5小時沽清 提價3.1%乘勝追擊

... 蓋The YOHO Hub發展項目第C期、九龍東啟德跑道區天璽.海,以及天水圍輕鐵天榮站物業發展項目第1期。 ...全文


NOVO LAND 2A期加推162伙

... 朗The YOHO Hub全新一期、啓德天璽·海及天水圍天榮站項目。 新地代理總經理陳漢麟說,NOVO LAN ...全文


How fares Hong Kong 3 years after China’s crackdown?

... financial hub that will serve China’s interests and his awareness of Beijing’s intense desire for safeguarding national security. That perhaps explains his support for such policies as culling books f ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-06

追加逾50種外掛 支援全指令操控

... e亦會新增一個AI Hub頁面,主力推介文本、圖像相關的生成式AI程式,方便用戶把工具結合日常生活,以AI提高 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2023年05月25日

鐵路新盤受捧 兩月銷1114伙
University Hill瑜一佔95% 用家重交通方便

... 。 海盈山YOHO Hub第C期季內推 鐵路盤不單止有銷量保證,抗跌力亦強。以匯璽發展項目匯璽III為例,3月 ...全文


The YOHO Hub一房1.53萬租出雙破頂

元朗The YOHO Hub 1座高層J室,實用面積326方呎,1房間隔,業主上月底收樓後隨即將單位放租,月租 ...全文


How HK SMEs can thrive in changing face of intra-Asia trade

... financial hub to foster further trade ties in the region and beyond. Secondly, Hong Kong’s trade growth with the rest of the Asia-12 is expected to be driven by four key product segments including hig ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-05

Hong Kong’s recovery: Greatest threat is parochialism

... financial hub and gateway to China - and all the city’s problems will evaporate as it returns to the heady years of being the freest economy in the world. This is a reminder that so much of the approa ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-27

The YOHO Hub首宗租賃2.75萬成交

元朗The YOHO Hub B期1座高層D室,實用面積872方呎,以月租2.95萬元放盤,僅4天速獲區內分支 ...全文



... eign Debt Hub,我是該中心顧問委員會的召集人)發表的一份新報告中,提出的擴大可持續性發展掛鈎主權融 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2023年04月25日

Taking HK businesses to next level with 5G and edge computing

... financial hub to dramatically transform public services and serve as an example to follow for others in the region. The reduced latency of 5G and the edge make them a good fit, however, organisations ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-25

Good use of caverns will increase our land reserves

... tion as a hub for international data centres, there is an urgent need to find more land to develop data centres, and cavern is one of the options. According to the authorities, the advantages of caver ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-24


... 心」(global hub for crypto technology)的願景。英國政府希望通過建立保管人制度 ...全文


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