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美國總統拜登政府與中國的大國競爭戰略,分析人士尋找歷史隱喻來解釋日益加深的對立。但是,儘管許多人提到了冷戰,但 ...全文

今日信報時事評論Joseph S. Nye2021年10月15日

What difference did 9/11 make?

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, were a horrific shock. Images of trapped victims leaping from the Twin Towers are indelible, and the intrusive security measures introduced in the wake of ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-08

America’s new great-power strategy

During the four decades of the Cold War, the United States had a grand strategy focused on containing the power of the Soviet Union. Yet by the 1990s, following the Soviet Union’s collapse, America ha ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-06

COVID-19 vaccines and the US national interest

A century ago, an influenza pandemic killed more people than died in World War I. Today, the COVID-19 pandemic has killed more Americans than died in all US wars since 1945. A big difference, however, ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-02

The logic of US-China competition

In his recent address to the US Congress, President Joe Biden warned that China is deadly serious about trying to become the world’s most significant power. But Biden also declared that autocrats will ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-10

What could cause a US-China war?

When China’s foreign minister, Wang Yi, recently called for a reset of bilateral relations with the United States, a White House spokesperson replied that the US saw the relationship as one of strong ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-04

Biden’s Asian triangle

How Joe Biden handles China will be one of the defining issues of his presidency. He inherits a Sino-American relationship that is at its lowest point in 50 years. Some people blame this on his predec ...More

EJ Insight2021-02-05


美國總統拜登正式上任,將會帶來對美國利好的重大改變;這或許也標誌着世界加強自由民主制度獨一無二的機會。 鑑於近 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2021年01月21日


美國總統拜登正式上任,這不但是美國的好消息,亦標誌着世界自由民主制度有機會得到重建。 鑑於全球民粹主義興起,這 ...全文

今日信報時事評論Kemal Derviş2021年01月21日

Can Joe Biden’s America be trusted?

Friends and allies have come to distrust the United States. Trust is closely related to truth, and President Donald Trump is notoriously loose with the truth. All presidents have lied, but never on su ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-07

American exceptionalism in the age of Trump

In my recent study of 14 presidents since 1945, Do Morals Matter, I found that Americans want a moral foreign policy, but have been torn over what that means. Americans often see their country as exce ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-11


美國總統特朗普最近在G7峰會的表現被許多觀察家批評行為不慎,敗事有餘。也有人指出,媒體和專家過分集中特朗普的個 ...全文

今日信報時事評論Joseph S. Nye2019年09月11日


隨着特朗普推出種種貌似顛覆性的美國外交政策,美國在國際舞台上的角色,愈來愈見和過去精英主導的時代迥然不同,不少 ...全文



中聯辦主任王志民說「中環、西環行埋一齊幾好」後,還在《求是》雜誌發表文章,表示要「把握『一國兩制』新的定位」, ...全文



最近,北韓測試其火星-15彈道導彈,導彈飛了53分鐘,最高高度4475公里。其扁平飛行軌跡使金正恩政權獲得打擊 ...全文

今日信報理財投資博集先機Joseph S. Nye Jr.2017年12月11日

Trump’s gift to Europe

At a recent conference in France, a number of Europeans surprised their American guests by arguing that US President Donald Trump might be good for Europe. With Trump returning to Europe for the G20 s ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-07

Xi Jinping's Marco Polo strategy

Last month, Chinese President Xi Jinping presided over a heavily orchestrated "Belt and Road" forum in Beijing. The two-day event attracted 29 heads of state, including Russia's Vladimir Putin, and 1, ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-13

Lying and leadership

This election season has been marked by frequent charges of dishonesty. During the “Brexit” debate, each side charged the other with distorting the truth, though the speed with which the “Leave” camp ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-08

Do we want powerful leaders?

A trend toward greater authoritarianism seems to be spreading worldwide. Russian President Vladimir Putin has successfully used nationalism to tighten his control over Russia and seems to enjoy great ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-06

How Donald Trump would weaken America

Donald Trump, the Republican Party’s presumptive US presidential nominee, has expressed deep skepticism about the value of America’s alliances. His is a very 19th century view of the world. Back then, ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-11

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