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國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)前首席經濟學家、哈佛經濟學家羅格夫(Kenneth Rogoff)表示,比特幣(Bi ...全文


Economists vs scientists on long-term growth

Most economic forecasters have largely shrugged off recent advances in artificial intelligence (for example, the quantum leap demonstrated by DeepMind’s self-learning chess program last December), see ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-05


在營造了一番聲勢之後,美國財政部於上周發布了一份關於如何處理有序清盤管理局(Orderly Liquidati ...全文

今日信報理財投資博集先機Kenneth Rogoff2018年03月05日


大多數經濟預測者在很大程度上對人工智能方面的近期進展(例如去年12月DeepMind自學國際象棋程式所展示的巨 ...全文

今日信報理財投資博集先機Kenneth Rogoff2018年03月05日

When will tech disrupt higher education?

  In the early 1990s, at the dawn of the Internet era, an explosion in academic productivity seemed to be around the corner. But the corner never appeared. Instead, teaching techniques at colleges and ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-07


經濟學從來不是用來做預測的。所以當你問經濟學家關於下一場金融危機時,他們都會翻開金融史書,嘗試從中找答案。 為 ...全文


政治與市場 關係千絲萬柳

全球經濟增長在2017年有所上升,因此人們寄望2018年的經濟也能表現強勁。與此同時,民粹主義和專制主義的興起 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2018年01月09日

Giddy markets and grim politics

Economic growth worldwide picked up in 2017, and the best guess is that the global economy will perform strongly in 2018 as well. At the same time, a rising tide of populism and authoritarianism poses ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-09

Surveying the damage of low interest rates

For years after the 2008 financial crisis, policymakers congratulated themselves for having averted a second Great Depression. They had responded to the global recession with the kind of Keynesian fis ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-15

The US is exporting obesity

As US President Donald Trump's administration throws sharp elbows in trade negotiations and systematically rescinds regulations introduced by President Barack Obama, one casualty is likely to be effor ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-04


當美國總統特朗普的政府在貿易談判中上竄下跳,並有計劃地撤銷奧巴馬總統所引入的條例時,其中一個深受其害的事務很可 ...全文

今日信報理財投資博集先機Kenneth Rogoff2017年12月04日

鮑威爾要穩經濟 更要頂住特朗普

美國總統特朗普雖然一度暗示可能讓現任聯邦儲備局主席耶倫多坐一會,最終仍貫徹他打倒前朝一切的做法,決定提名聯儲局 ...全文


Donald Trump’s Federal Reserve

With the appointment of Jerome Powell as the next chair of the Federal Reserve Board, US President Donald Trump has made perhaps the most important single decision of his presidency. It is a sane and ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-03

Crypto-fool's gold?

Is the cryptocurrency Bitcoin the biggest bubble in the world today, or a great investment bet on the cutting edge of new-age financial technology? My best guess is that in the long run, the technolog ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-10


在美國和歐洲政治領導人因為高品質工作職位的未來而煩惱時,他們大應該看看發展中的亞洲所面臨的大得多的問題──這些 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2017年08月04日

俄經濟仍弱 難靠能源食糊

當俄羅斯總統普京在本周的漢堡20國集團首腦會議上與他的美國同行特朗普會面時,他與對方大力握手的底氣可不會出於自 ...全文

今日信報理財投資博集先機Kenneth Rogoff2017年07月08日

俄羅斯政經須改革 走出邊緣化

當俄羅斯總統普京本周在德國漢堡20國集團首腦會議上與他的美國同行特朗普會面時,他與對方大力握手的底氣可不會出於 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2017年07月07日


隨着法國的中間路線改革派新總統上台,同時德國總理默克爾的連任概率日漸增加,是否意味着陷入停滯的歐洲單一貨幣項目 ...全文

今日信報理財投資博集先機Kenneth Rogoff2017年06月30日


2015年12月美國聯儲局啟動貨幣緊縮周期,把短期名義聯邦基金利率的目標範圍調高25個基點(0.25厘),當時 ...全文

今日信報理財投資博集先機J. Bradford DeLong2017年06月19日

The Eurozone must reform or die

With the election of a reform-minded centrist president in France and the re-election of German Chancellor Angela Merkel seeming ever more likely, is there hope for the stalled single-currency project ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-15

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