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越南河內中產崛起 高端樓搶手
後花園河東 規劃整齊價低水

... nam Hanoi Landmark Tower正坐落於此,為河內地標,集商場、娛樂設施、酒店、寫字樓及會展中 ...全文


配股狂抽水 阿爺做後盾

... 遭4名董事共同持有的Landmark Worldwide折讓7.5%減持6.36%權益,套現11億元,股價大幅 ...全文



... 98)公布,主要股東Landmark Worldwide訂立配售協議,以每股2.85元配售最多3.87億股,佔 ...全文


中國衛生溢價配股 曾飆五成

... 電子,前晚公布大股東Landmark Worldwide Holdings Limited擬配售最多3.87億 ...全文


Obese people receive varied treatment in different countries

... ce made a landmark ruling that obesity can, in severe cases, constitute a disability. Employers will not be allowed to dismiss obese workers. Also, they will be required to make adjustments to the wor ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-08


... 萬港元,回來香港後在Landmark看見同一個款,入去八卦一看,嚇了一跳,1.9萬元!居然相差這麼遠。 豪氣不 ...全文


US regulator to propose reversing 'net neutrality' rules

The head of the US Federal Communications Commission is proposing to overturn the landmark 2015 Obama-era net neutrality rules that prohibit broadband providers from giving or selling access to certai ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-27

FGL terminates US$1.6 bln Anbang deal

...  to buy a landmark Southern California hotel from Blackstone Group LP after US national security officials expressed concern over the property’s proximity to a naval base. Last month, Anbang abandoned ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-18

仰光罕有臨湖綜合發展項目 地段顯赫 升值潛力優厚

... ral由Marga Landmark Development Co. Ltd.開發,集團的股東和董事由香港、韓 ...全文


Microsoft, eBay, Tencent invest in Amazon’s India rival

... This is a landmark deal for Flipkart and for India,” Flipkart founders Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal said in the statement, calling it the company’s biggest fundraising round ever. Flipkart said Chin ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-11

成越南最具潛力城市 未來樓市看高一線

... nam Hanoi Landmark Tower也是坐落於慈廉,此地標有商場、娛樂設施、寫字樓、會展中心,以及 ...全文


How pop-ups became an integral part of retail landscape

... on at the Landmark building in Hong Kong's Central, where it has a traditional store. Also in Hong Kong, upmarket luggage manufacturer Tumi and Louis Vuitton have both used the IFC’s Atrium space for ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-06

Democracy banner makes new appearance at Lion Rock

... nd on the landmark cliff face. It stayed up for one day before it was removed by officials using a helicopter. Meanwhile, voting is under way to choose Hong Kong’s next chief executive. A total of 1,1 ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-26

The best way to enjoy your croissant

... on at The Landmark in Central. Over there a piece costs HK$18 each, excluding the service charge and tip. But the pleasure of sipping your favorite coffee and enjoying your fresh bread inside an exqui ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-24

How the Rockefeller family adapts to the changing times

... e than 50 landmark buildings in the city. The most famous is Rockefeller Center which began construction in 1930. The center, a large complex consisting of 19 high-rise buildings, was completed in 193 ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-24

The rise of HNA Group

... ate a new landmark in integrated residential complex development. In the latest tender, HNA paid a whopping premium to outbid 14 rivals that included Sun Hung Kai Properties, Cheung Kong Property and ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-16

Iran said to have test-fired medium-range ballistic missile

... ed Iran’s landmark 2015 nuclear deal with six world powers, the Journal noted. Iran has said its tests are legal, claiming that the missiles are defensive and that they are not designed to carry nucle ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-10

Washington restaurant sues Trump over alleged unfair competition

A Washington restaurant is suing US President Donald Trump and the company that operates his landmark Washington hotel, claiming that patrons have shifted business there to curry favor with his new ad ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-10

Trump seeking 9% increase in military spending

... This is a landmark event and message to the world in these dangerous times, of American strength, security and resolve. We must ensure that our courageous servicemen and women have the tools they need ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-28

倫敦最高住宅大廈Landmark Pinnacle
重塑倫敦天際線 實現豐厚回報

... 敦未來最高的住宅大廈Landmark Pinnacle,不但重塑倫敦市的天際線,受惠於2018年啟用的Cros ...全文


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