
共 78 個結果
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Think small for an American recovery

The US recovery is losing momentum. Job growth is slowing, the economy is still down 10.7 million jobs since February, and 36% of unemployed workers are now classified as “permanently unemployed.” The ...More

EJ Insight2020-10-20

Turning America’s bad jobs into good jobs

Americans heading into the fall and the new school year are grappling with interrelated upheavals in health, the economy, family life, and race relations. The COVID-19 crisis is falling hardest on the ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-13

【EJFQ信析】特朗普紓困急就章 防美股借消息調整

美國勞工市場數據勝預期,截至8月1日當周首次申領失業救濟人數為118.6萬,按周下降24.9萬人,屬兩個月來最 ...全文


特朗普紓困急就章 防美股借消息調整

美國勞工市場數據勝預期,截至8月1日當周首次申領失業救濟人數為118.6萬,按周下降24.9萬人,屬兩個月來最 ...全文


華府領導失效 加劇衞生危機

短短幾個月,新冠肺炎疫情已經對美國經濟和工人造成巨大損害,失業率升至大蕭條以來最高,自今年3月中起有4200萬 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2020年07月20日

華府領導失效 加劇衞生危機

短短幾個月,新冠肺炎疫情已經對美國經濟和工人造成巨大損害,失業率升至大蕭條以來最高,自今年3月中起有4200萬 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 彙編選輯Laura Tyson, Lenny Mendonca2020年07月11日

The recovery plan America needs

In just a few short months, the COVID-19 pandemic has done massive damage to the United States economy – and the workers who make it run. Unemployment has already reached its highest level since the G ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-03


儘管遇到過2008年深度衰退及其後的緩慢復甦,但對大部分發達經濟體來說,二十一世紀的前20年總體是一個經濟進步 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2020年04月16日

Where women stand

Despite a deep recession in 2008 and a slow recovery thereafter, the first two decades of the twenty-first century were generally a time of economic progress in most advanced economies. Real (inflatio ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-09

Making stakeholder capitalism a reality

For a half-century, American corporations (and many others around the world) have embraced shareholder primacy, which holds that the only responsibility of business is to maximize profits. But this pr ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-07

A new approach to protecting gig workers

In the United States and other advanced industrial economies, a growing number of workers no longer work for a single employer on a traditional contract. Instead, they earn income through a variety of ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-25

Keeping US workers in the game

Though the unemployment rate and jobless claims are currently lower than at any point since 1969, the US economy is still facing labor-market challenges that cannot be ignored. One stands out: the lon ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-08

The blind spot in the trade debate

  Negotiations to resolve the Sino-American trade conflict have so far centered on soybeans, natural gas, and an assortment of commodities and manufactured goods. Yet, an increasingly important compon ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-21

Climate action trumps Trump

  Now is not a good time to be a climate-change denier like US President Donald Trump, given all the recent evidence that the atmosphere is warming faster than expected. On the Friday after Thanksgivi ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-10


在連續實現了95個月的就業增長後,美國失業率已降至3.7%這個1969年以來的最低點。然而工資增長仍然非常緩慢 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2018年10月26日

Universal basic income or universal living wage?

A universal basic income (UBI) would be both regressive and prohibitively expensive. Yet the idea continues to attract a motley crew of tech and labor leaders, libertarians, and progressives, who fear ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-18


美國迪迪恩(Joan Didion)有句名言,「我們靠着給自己講故事才能活下去」。不幸的是,如果你是從Face ...全文

今日信報理財投資博集先機Laura Tyson Lenny Mendonca2018年07月30日

America’s grassroots saviors

Joan Didion famously observed that, “We tell ourselves stories in order to live.” Unfortunately, if you get your news about the United States from Facebook, Twitter, or cable TV networks, the stories ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-25


中國通過其雄心勃勃的「中國製造2025」戰略,明確了其確保在先進科技行業佔全球經濟領導地位的目標。這個位置與美 ...全文


AI時代創職 不落下任何人

幾乎每周都會傳出新的反面烏托邦寓言,預測會爆發由技術導致的大規模失業現象。隨着人工智能(AI)和機械人技術進步 ...全文

今日信報理財投資博集先機Laura Tyson Lenny Mendonca2018年04月23日

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