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... 購物中心Kings Mall【圖】,成為這家瑞典家具巨頭在英國的第一家購物中心,反映宜家對英國市場的重視。這也 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年01月11日

Why investors are crazy about the IPO of this Chinese restaurant

... is a lot smaller than Haidilao in average restaurant size, rendering the valuation per restaurant a poor base of comparison. More importantly, the popular hot-pot chain has certain characteristics tha ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-09


... 的網上商店HKTV mall,香港網上零售貨品的價格才開始具競爭力,自該公司殺出了一條血路後,其他企業開始重視 ...全文


Hundreds gather at malls for 3rd day in Christmas protests

Hundreds of protesters marched through Hong Kong shopping malls on Thursday, disrupting business in the city for a third day over the festive period and prompting riot police to close off a mall in a ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-27

旺角滙豐被毀 元朗男逃走墮地

有市民於平安夜發起多區商場「和你Sing」, 及後演變為激烈警民衝突,其中於元朗Yoho Mall,一名男子疑 ...全文


Yoho Mall防暴舉藍旗驅散 男子避追捕墮樓

多區商場在平安夜有人聚集,其中元朗Yoho Mall有大批人在商場叫口號,有食肆螢幕被扑爛,防暴警進入商場,引 ...全文


江永祥:Yoho Mall警民互不讓路起碰撞

網上有片段顯示,有警員在元朗Yoho Mall內無故撞開一名男子,繼而斥罵該名途人。 警察公共關係科高級警司江 ...全文


周六和你Shop毀藍店 警噴椒驅散

上周六是元朗7.21襲擊事件5個月,逾百人下午3時許在元朗YOHO Mall一期中庭聚集,期間有黑衣示威者到商 ...全文


AsiaPay:港網購續升 抵酒店戲票跌幅

... 7)旗下的HKTV mall及國泰(00293)等。 月交易額40億 港佔一半 陳永祥接受訪問時透露,該公司每 ...全文


元朗Yoho Mall有市民聚集 警各樓層驅散

港鐵(00066)西鐵元朗站7.21襲擊事件發生後5個月,車站提早於下午1時關閉,有市民在Yoho Mall一 ...全文


Tear gas as crowds block roads in Mong Kok after mall protests

...  shopping malls earlier in the day. Sometime after 8 pm, a group of people was seen gathering and singing on the street across Langham Place, with more citizens joining them quickly. As the crowd swel ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-16

HKTV mall傳奇

上星期有幸隨同立法會議員莫乃光以及一眾資訊科技業界,參觀HKTV mall的自動化倉庫。HKTV mall自2 ...全文


Govt slams arson attacks at two court buildings

... fic Place mall and surrounding office buildings, RTHK reported. In addition to that the gate was left with burn marks after the fire was put out, the outer wall of the building was sprayed with graffi ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-09

No Christmas decorations at Harbour City

... played in malls, and the festive glitter and decorations still adorn these establishments. But for most retail outlets in the city, it's the constant merry ring of the cash register that they miss. Ha ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-09

No award for 'Glory to Hong Kong'

...  shopping mall along with cries of “five demands, not one less". Available in different music forms, the song composed by a musician under the pseudonym “Thomas dgx yhi” has become way more popular he ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-05


... 然shopping mall自然而然是the front of the property developmen ...全文



... 不是arcade卻是mall,我城是既閃亮亦詭異的mall city。年前建築人Stefan Al編了一本小書 ...全文


Violence in Chile resurges, peso plunges to historic low

...  shopping mall in the ritzy mountainside suburb of La Dehesa earlier in the week and another in Las Condes on Wednesday. Officials had shut key commuter metro stations by mid-afternoon Wednesday throu ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-28

市民沿大馬路往大棠路 防暴警舉藍旗

今日為7.21元朗站襲擊事件後4個月,有一批市民晚上在元朗Yoho Mall商場靜坐,不滿當日警方處理手法。他 ...全文


7.21事件四個月 市民元朗商場靜坐

今日為7.21元朗站襲擊事件後4個月,有市民發起在各港鐵車站靜坐。有一批市民晚上在元朗Yoho Mall商場靜 ...全文


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