
共 853 個結果
頁數:1...32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ...43

New tax-free stores in Guangdong threaten Hong Kong tourism

... et up BDF Mall in Qianhai, a one-stop e-commerce solution for overseas brands aiming to enter the mainland market. “This electronic platform provides an online shop while using the Qianhai Bay bonded ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-07

New World to cut some shop rents amid retail sector slowdown

New World Development Co. (00017.HK) is slashing rents for some tenants at its shopping malls, a move aimed at helping retailers that are facing difficulties due to a sales slowdown. The reduction in ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-04


零售市道持續疲弱,新地(00016)無懼寒風,旗下元朗商場YOHO MALL形點於周二開幕,首階段包括約200 ...全文


Two students acquitted of assaulting police in Tuen Mun rally

...  shopping mall in Tuen Mun on March 8, while university student Jeannette Chan, 21, was said to have willfully obstructed a police officer in the execution of duty by trying to keep Kuoc from getting ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-01

Tycoon in bid to rescue Vietnam economy from Chinese onslaught

... ally ill small-business sector that the rags-to-riches entrepreneur says is suffocated by a multibillion-dollar influx of cheap, mass-produced goods from China that undercut domestically produced item ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-31


... 名稱為Temple Mall。 另外,區內的黃大仙廟一年四季都香火鼎盛,中外善信絡繹不絕到來參拜,並成為毗鄰領 ...全文



... 應提升,以及HKTVmall仍處初期投資階段。每股虧損29.1仙,去年同期為14.8仙;不派中期息。 該股昨天 ...全文


Another DAB poster goes viral

...  shopping mall at the Tseung Kwan O MTR station. The posters were circulated in reaction to the Aug. 20 incident in which a 30-year-old mother surnamed Fan and her two sons were injured when part of t ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-25

Three hurt in Tseung Kwan O MTR station ceiling collapse

A young mother and her two sons were injured when part of the ceiling collapsed in a shopping mall at the Tseung Kwan O MTR station. The 30-year-old woman, surnamed Fan, injured her feet while her chi ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-21

Thai authorities seek suspect seen in CCTV footage at blast site

... casional small blasts have been blamed on one side or the other. Two pipe bombs exploded outside a shopping mall in the same area in February, but caused little damage. -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-18


... 購物中心Dubai Mall內盡情購物。乘單軌火車遊覽被喻為「世界第八大奇蹟」之棕櫚島,並參觀Lost Cha ...全文


YOHO MALL形點首年收租料2億

新地(00016)元朗大型商場「YOHO MALL形點」首階段60萬方呎面積,已全數出租,涉約200舖,將於9 ...全文


網購「劍宗 vs 氣宗」

... 137)的HKTV Mall,相當於一家超級巨型的網上百貨公司,雖然本身並非貨品生產商或品牌商,但從選貨、銷售 ...全文



... 最大商場「YOHO MALL形點」,最近亦大搞噱頭,請來著名設計師馬天佑操刀,為該商場的服務大使設計制服。 該 ...全文



... Lifestyle Mall」(城市生活廣場),全力帶動時尚生活概念消費體驗。 斥億元與衣戀組合營 該合資公司 ...全文


759 chain store operator launches online platform

CEC International Holdings Ltd. (00759.HK) has launched an online shopping portal, setting itself up against HKTV Mall, the internet retail unit of Hong Kong Television Network Ltd. (01137.HK). The ne ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-10

8 rescued after lift in Times Square plummets 4 stories

...  shopping mall staff tried to calm the passengers down over the intercom, saying engineering workers were doing everything they could to get them out. They were finally rescued at about 1:30 p.m. Stil ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-10

網購開戰 王維基初勝

... 購物平台「HKTV Mall」的港視(01137)。759 online以寵物用品打頭陣,據負責人透露,首天錄 ...全文


電王Duke Energy併購陸續來

王維基鋪天蓋地的HKTV Mall廣告為地鐵乘客和廣大的香港巿民投擲了震撼彈,3000萬元廣告費會否枉花暫時難 ...全文


谷起二手價 助新盤去貨

... 模最大商場YOHO MALL形點,商場面積共約110萬方呎。今次投得元朗站地皮,其基座設商場,將來連貫毗鄰大型 ...全文


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