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印尼龍目島6.4級淺層強震 最少14亡
餘震逾130次 百公里外峇里同搖晃

... 熱門景點林查尼火山(Mount Rinjani)災後已暫停開放,一名到火山健行的馬來西亞女子死亡。 162傷 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年07月30日


... 單位及豪宅,例如山頂MOUNT NICHOLSON、清水灣傲瀧和北角海璇等,故估計有關措施對以上兩種住宅影響較 ...全文


公私營屋如改七三比 恐再推高樓價

... 。九倉目前仍持有山頂Mount Nicholson若干單位,並剛在今年初以124億元、呎價逾2.8萬元投得九龍 ...全文


Japan doomsday cult leader executed

... e foot of Mount Fuji, where the group studied his teachings and practiced bizarre rituals but also built an arsenal of weapons – including sarin. The cult also used sarin in 1994, releasing the gas in ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-06

TWELVE PEAKS 8號屋每呎15.2萬
稱霸亞洲屋苑式洋房 易手價7.3億

... 的山頂聶歌信山道8號MOUNT NICHOLSON舊有紀錄,創亞洲屋苑式洋房呎價新高;同系南區SHOUSON ...全文



印尼峇里島阿貢火山(Mount Agung)周四起噴出大量火山灰【圖】,島上的國際機場周五凌晨關閉,115班國 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2018年06月30日

Local startup partners with global brands to attract funding

... 60. Users mount their mobile phone or camera on PANO's rotating head, and customize the rotation angle and speed by means of Bluetooth using a remote control or mobile app.  The product allows the use ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-26


... 意大利的埃特納火山(Mount Etna),它海拔逾3200米,是歐洲海拔最高的活火山。埃特納火山的噴發狀況可 ...全文



... 各種雜費有關。 同區MOUNT PARKER RESIDENCES中層D室, 實用面積1231方呎,3房間隔, ...全文


狗肉節在即 桂變種犬流感或噬人
中美研究揭病毒基因重組 傳播途徑未明

... dicine at Mount Sinai)等機構的研究人員,提取了廣西的狗體內的16株流感病毒毒株,進行基因 ...全文


一手兩日賣337戶 10星期最旺

... )合作發展的沙田火炭Mount Vienna,地下及1樓複式A室以7680萬元售出,實用面積2455方呎,另設 ...全文


Female hiker critical after suffering heatstroke

A 54-year-old woman remains critical in hospital after she reportedly suffered a heatstroke during a mountain hiking trip in Ap Lei Chau on Wednesday. The woman collapsed at around 1 pm when she was h ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-31

Was N Korea's demolition of Punggye-ri test site just a show?

... h able to mount another nuclear test, and may also already possess the capability of exporting its nuclear weapons and technologies. Besides, it is important to note that the Punggye-ri site was just ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-30


... 地的設施包括萬塔山(Mount Mantap)下挖掘用於核試驗的隧道。 ...全文


Student, 19, becomes youngest Hongkonger to conquer Everest

A 19-year-old student has become the youngest Hongkonger to reach the summit of Mount Everest. Benjamin Chan Ka-hei reached the 8,848-meter peak on Monday, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. He w ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-24

Why Xi's dictatorship might spell bad news for CPC

... ormer paramount leader Deng Xiaoping, he may have inadvertently laid the seeds for the beginning of the end of the rule of the Communist Party of China (CPC). In the aftermath of the Cultural Revoluti ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-21

依一手例賣樓 呎價上望3萬

... 4年推售的西灣臺1號MOUNT PARKER RESIDENCES,其中一個頂層戶2015年以1.8億元售出, ...全文


Shuttle bus hits estate agent distributing flyers in Sai Kung

... ad across Mount Pavilia, a new private housing estate developed by New World Development, to give promotional leaflets to passing drivers, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. As he was doing his j ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-17

PolyU staffer dies in bid to conquer Everest

A Hong Kong man died in an attempt to conquer Mount Everest over the weekend. The fatality was identified as Christopher Lam Koon-wah. He was in his 40s. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University confirme ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-16

Why stock markets are unlikely to see sharp falls

Over the weekend, all available flats in Mount Regency, a residential project being developed by Sun Hung Kai Properties in Tuen Mun, were snapped up. Most of the buyers were investing in real-estate ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-16

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