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... 年的商機不容忽視。 MPF沒東盟為主的基金 近日中港股市熱炒令中港股票基金有可觀回報,但讀者可考慮以地域作分散 ...全文



近日接到朋友來電,除了談及最近的股票大牛市外,還聽了一則故事。事緣好友對投資素有心得,亦很關心自己的強積金表現 ...全文



... /信網撰文,分享管理MPF心得。 ...全文


Why Tung, Tsang and Leung all failed in governance

... pping the MPF offsetting arrangement, eliminating subdivided flats, etc). With his low popularity, people suspect that each and every policy rolled out by the government is of evil intent. Leung’s gre ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-17

退休保尊嚴 強積金外還需儲蓄

... 網撰文,分享如何管理MPF。 ...全文


憧憬日本增長 宜選亞太股票基金

... /信網撰文,分享管理MPF心得。 ...全文



近月投資市場風起雲湧,特別是股票市場,更經常使人血脈澎湃,此熱情更席捲MPF成分基金。筆者最近亦聽聞不少有關資 ...全文



近月投資市場風起雲湧,特別是股票市場,更經常使人血脈賁張,此熱情更席捲MPF成分基金。筆者最近亦聽聞不少有關資 ...全文


自動調整最高入息 增保障

... 網撰文,分享如何管理MPF。 ...全文


市場風高浪急 認識投資風險

... /信網撰文,分享管理MPF心得。 ...全文


What do MPF and the political reform package have in common?

...  said the MPF's average fund expense ratio (FER) has come down from 2.2 percent in 2007 to 1.62 percent at present. However, Tobias Brown, a prominent fund manager and a former Listing Committee membe ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-26


今年4月,香港股票市場在短時間內升幅凌厲,相信為不少市民帶來額外收入。直至執筆之日,狂牛似乎稍作歇息。如上期提 ...全文


積金看長線 忌投機炒賣

... /信網撰文,分享管理MPF心得。 ...全文


StanChart mulls options for HK pensions business

... tered and MPF [the city's mandatory provident fund] will remain a core product offered to clients." StanChart's deliberations on possible options for the Hong Kong pensions business come as the UK-bas ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-15

MPF brings cheer, for now

... ent fund (MPF) account holders in Hong Kong, thanks to the surging stock markets. In April, average returns from the 481 MPF investments funds in Hong Kong stood at 5.28 percent, with the best perform ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-05

MPF planning electronic portal

... uthority (MPF).         The study is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter. Managing director Diana Chan said the e-portal is aimed at speeding up the so-called "employee choice" scheme which ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-30

Stock-picking tips from fund manager who won top award

... rmance to MPF funds like Manulife's. In the past two years, the local fund management industry has undergone developments that created unexpected volatility in Fong's portfolio. In 2013, the emergenc ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-09

Ways to push down MPF charges further

Authorities are introducing new measures to enhance the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF), which, apart from personal savings, is the main pillar of Hong Kong's pension system. Retirement benefits have b ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-01

Sector-specific ETFs likely if MSCI includes A shares

... ent Fund (MPF) scheme. The government has finished a public consultation on the proposal aimed at cutting management fees and producing higher investment returns. The Mandatory Provident Fund Authorit ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-30

Third runway could make good use of MPF resources

The Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) intends to introduce a “core fund” as the standardized, low-fee, default investment for MPF holders after wrapping up a public consultation. While ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-20

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