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法國五月揭幕展覽—— M+黑白攝影展 齊集逾170位中外攝影師經典作品

... 術節(French May Arts Festival),每年均舉辦多場藝術及文化活動,涵蓋藝術、電影、音樂、戲劇等範疇。為配合展覽《黑白──攝影敘事》舉行,今年French May開幕節目更罕有提 前至三月份舉行,呈現法國國家圖書館(Bibliothèque nationale de France,簡稱BnF)的重要攝影藏品。 作為法國最大圖書館,法國國家圖書館藏有600萬張照片,是全球規模最大 ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-26

My Brief Remarks – at the HKS China Conference

... e unit of mayor economy), and finally through to the party rank-and-file and the grassroots. Secondly, we should draw upon a wide range of methodologies – spanning first-personal testimonies and accou ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-24

Russia’s nightmare – loss of Far East

...  that day may be coming closer. ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-24


... ghter and May,其中Slaughter and May也曾參與Luminance在2017年的A輪 ...全文


Hong Kong must tell a more candid and balanced China story

... criptions may be – clearly reflects the zeitgeist in certain swathes of the DC crowd: they are adamant that strategic competition is the ‘wrong’ approach to China, and that the correct ‘American strat ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-12

The urgent need for reforms to sex education in Hong Kong

... d schools may also face pressure to promote abstinence or X from violating scriptural doctrines – striking a balance between freedom of religion and duty to inform is absolutely key. Then there is the ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-11


...  April 17–May 25, 2020, but fell to about 17% in June 2 ...全文


下周起推問卷 區議員落試點蒐民意

... 覆相關提問時透露,「maybe May or June(或於5、6月)」將作決定並公布,強調現階段應認真落實「 ...全文



... llections may vary」可見一斑。 凱特的存在,對皇室以至公眾可說是顆定心丸,她的穩定相信跟她成 ...全文


Does Hong Kong have the right not to enact article 23 laws?

Now that the debate over article 23 is over, with the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance having come into effect on March 23, it may be appropriate to look at some of the less discussed issues r ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-27

Some reflections on teaching

... come what may. It’s life skills that teaching ‘teaches’ us – as opposed to merely substantive knowledge or bare facts. For that, and for the fact that I get to do something I enjoy doing on a regular ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-23

To love one’s country candidly and sincerely

...  one that may or may not be led by a world government. Alternatively, more realistic and pragmatic members amongst this group would opt for a world where states remain governed by separate governments ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-23

旅發局打造藝聚香港 推特色藝文旅遊產品

... 術節(French May Arts Festival),將呈現近百個藝文節目,讓旅客市民透過不同體驗細味法國 ...全文



... 的尾音,而是gaw-may。噢,buffet念buh-fay,不是Warren Buffett的畢非德。 五、 ...全文



... ebt issue may increase the overall risk contained in ho ...全文


Biden launches campaign in neck-and-neck race

... rch. 2024 may turn out to be the most dramatic Presidential election year. Will either of these two elderly men suffer a heart attack or another health issue this year? Will a court order Trump to ser ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-11

文翠珊拒競連任 27年英議員終結

英國前首相兼保守黨國會議員文翠珊(Theresa May)【圖】周五宣布,不會在下屆大選競逐連任下議院議員,結 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2024年03月09日

How will US elections outcome impact HK?

... urial and may not carry out his reported threats. He has expressed admiration for strongman leaders such as Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin. It is a toss-up who will win the presidential election. Curre ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-07

How will US elections outcome impact HK?

... urial and may not carry out his reported threats. He ha ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2024年03月07日


特區政府就《基本法》第23條立法的公眾諮詢結束後,美國駐港總領事梅儒瑞(Gregory May)受訪稱,自《港 ...全文


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