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... 房總算比香港大,倫敦Mayfair就有個1920年代用來停泊賽車的車房,面積達6200平方呎。 物業4年前被買 ...全文



... 主要持有半山The Mayfair 20樓一單位,有關單位亦是鄭松興的居所。 由於「目標公司」尚未找清按揭貸款 ...全文


For gaming industry participants, Macau remains the place to be

... on portal Mayfair Casinos, boasts one of the largest gaming floors in the region, making it the perfect venue for the conference. Nine years ago, G2E Asia made its debut in Macau Tower, but the annual ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-27

Why China super rich are fleeing with their money

China’s weakening currency is making the country's super rich nervous. Many are fleeing with their cash -- not all of it, but enough to bid up prices of luxury real estate from Mayfair to Manhattan to ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-25

What does 2015 hold for HK property market?

... ear, with Mayfair Garden in Tsing Yi topping all housing estates with a 31 percent price surge, Apple Daily noted, citing the Centa-City Index. A small unit in One Shatin City, whose price surged 22 p ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-29

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