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Rank dishonour

... tate him. My instinctive reaction was “Go, girl, go!” There is no way that one can or should even contemplate equating these charlatans with the unsung heroes likes Rizwan Javed, the railwayman who ta ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-11


... e)Lean on my shoulder...」MV在YouTube觀看次數超過650萬,簡直驚人。 無論你 ...全文


The Fed’s remarkable feat

...  the economy’s current equilibrium. Viewed in this light, current central-bank policies are not substantially restrictive, but rather close to neutral. Members of this group seem preoccupied with memo ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-09

MY SCI B2701-R(84480) 債券及結構性產品 - [發行通函或定價補充文件 - 債務證券]

MY SCI B2701-R(84480) 發行人剛在本網站英文版面發布一項公告,相應中文版本或會/或不會在本 ...全文



... Where Are My Children?(1916)都是傑作。荷里活成了電影製作中心後,女性逐漸受排斥,到 ...全文



... LAY流動應用程式(My SmartPLAY App)、SmartPLAY網頁或智能自助服務站報名,先到先得, ...全文


MY SCI B2701-R(84480) 債券及結構性產品 - [上市通告 - 債務證券]

MY SCI B2701-R(84480) 發行人剛在本網站英文版面發布一項公告,相應中文版本或會/或不會在本 ...全文


DPP to win presidency, Taiwan moves further from China

...  its economy is dominated by state firms. In Taiwan, private companies dominate, and the election is an example of a raucous democracy that China would never allow. Just as the Ukrainians do not want ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-04

DPP to win presidency, Taiwan moves further from China

...  its economy is dominated by state firms. In Taiwan, pr ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2024年01月04日


... t time of my life,對將來感到自信穩妥,可以放膽做喜歡的事,期待今年新開始。 可能男女對人生下 ...全文



Make my wish come true...All I want for Christmas is yo ...全文


中國銀河(06881) 其他-業務發展最新情況

中國銀河(06881) 自願性公告 - 有關對銀河-聯昌和MY合營企業行使第二份購買權的交割(117KB, p ...全文


The perils of context collapse in diplomatic messaging

There’s a story I very much enjoyed telling some of my debating students – back when I was an active coach. Consider a close circle of friends, Bob, Mary, Sue, and Thornton. Through years of fraternis ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-27

Nutcracker with a Hong Kong flavour

...  1892. In my experience Balanchine’s version for the New York City Ballet is the greatest of all. This Christmas season Hong Kong Ballet’s “Nutcracker” has a longer run than usual. This present produc ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-27

How Hong Kong can boost startups and AI applications

... rogram of my company last year, and was offered free access to geographic information system (GIS) software and training, so I am really honoured to witness the recent achievement of the two young ent ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-21

Five terms you should know to understand China’s young guns

There is no better way to understand modern college students than actually teaching them. Enjoyable is the word I would use to conclude my first semester at United International College in Zhuhai, one ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-20


... ewhere in my heart/ Beautiful, it's beautiful, deep ins ...全文


The growing risk of global disorder

... obal economy risks increasing fragmentation, eroding America’s leadership role and accelerating a system-wide shift toward disorder. To be sure, doubts about the Western-led economic order began long ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-19

Nothing changes

... tanding army with which to bring the combatants to the negotiating table. Though it is trite to observe, as with so much else in human affairs, almost everything depends upon the qualities of the lead ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-14

How does one deal with public critics, naysayers, and haters?

... eed, heed my own advice. We live in a world where criticism, naysaying, and ‘hate’ are ubiquitous. The three are fundamentally distinct in important ways – critics may not be motivated by malicious in ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-04

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