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... 觀眾席,一聲「Oh My God」,驚喜加感動,哽咽着完成其後訪問。真的,爸爸梅利比以前可愛多了。 女子方面, ...全文



... 應」(not in my back yard),意思是很多公共設施,例如垃圾站、公眾廁所都是好的,但是不能放在 ...全文


In Britain, three million use food banks

... use I own my own house. Those who do not cannot afford to buy one. Why does the government not build social housing for the poor or improve the National Health Service? Many things are inexplicable.” ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-13


... e‘A’Train和My One and Only Love……喝着兒子買給我的雞尾酒Highball,一邊瀏 ...全文


In Britain, three million use food banks

... use I own my own house. Those who do not cannot afford ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年07月13日

China U.S. relations: Is it possible to stop the slide?

... overnor. “My hope in traveling to China is to re-establish contact,” Ms. Yellen said in an interview program last week, before the formal announcement of her trip. “There are a new group of leaders, w ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-06

賴清德稱對等尊嚴下 可與陸對話

... 維護台海和平方案〉(My Plan to Preserve Peace in the Taiwan Strai ...全文


All-in-AI does not guarantee an A

... stakes in my AI investments, some of them embarrassing. “But among the many failures, there are a number of buds that will blossom very soon.” Son’s direction was right and he has fired many shots but ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-05

反抗資本主義的藝術 通常也有點徒然

... e的(獨立音樂)。 My Little Airport的《邊一個發明了返工》、《窮人賣XX》都是例子,用一種帶 ...全文


廟街歌王毋懼AI挑戰 先父箴言勉勵青年 尹光:求名求利求己勿求人

AI尹光翻唱林家謙《一人之境》、姜濤Dear my Friend、《泰國幪面超人》唱出廟街黯然銷魂飯的味道,或 ...全文


The Greenland Ice Sheet cannot wait

... we think. My own research shows that ice loss has been reshaping the ice sheet’s margins and the Greenland coast, altering glacier speeds and rerouting the flows of ice, water, and sediment. These cha ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-30


... in的名曲Take My Breath Away嗎?劉德華素來以專注投入工作聞名,不辭勞苦,對細節一絲不苟,而 ...全文



... It is not my problem.」筆者依稀記得這好像是電影《教父》(The Godfather)的一 ...全文


5 tips for business leaders to leverage generative AI

... owing are my five tips for getting started. 1. Get your data house in order Generative AI is here, and it’s poised to have a transformational impact on our world. The potential upsides of leveraging i ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-26


... 愛因斯坦續寫:In my opinion one has not to be astonished that ...全文


虛擬歌聲爆紅 釐清版權齊搵銀

... 曲Heart On My Sleeve,唱歌的聲音酷似兩名加拿大歌手Drake和The Weeknd,但其實聲 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 電子作曲2023年06月24日

Do we possess the freedom to think?

... y at all? My suggestion is that existing arguments fail to take seriously and develop properly a standalone account of the freedom to think. Here is why: Most existing writers attribute the freedom to ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-23


... e Pred的作品「MY BODY MY BUSINESS」手提包,無論從消費和身體,都帶出了女性自主的訊息。 ...全文


Blinken’s visit: What it was, and what it wasn’t

...  noted on my comments on Al-Jazeera, Nikkei, and the Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, China and the US are locked in a mutual threat perception trap. China sees America as bent on containi ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-21


... opened up my heart again/ And then much to my surprise/ ...全文


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