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愛柯迪攻海外 增長有望提速

... 去年4月成立IKD New Energy建設墨西哥二期工廠,同時在馬來西亞、匈牙利均已規劃本土化產能,在擴大產 ...全文



... NN,被稱為The new kings of Cantopop。驚嘆商業樂壇布局如此精心細密!MIRROR新歌 ...全文


Equip young people for the future

... st 60,000 new air taxi pilots will be needed by 2028. From driverless cars, artificial intelligence, the metaverse, virtual assets to the current low-altitude economy, the evolution of technology has ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-15

Are we raising a generation of leaders, or of followers?

...  generate new directions, initiate paradigm shifts, and problematicise long-standing conventions that are taken for granted. True leaders must step up to unite, as opposed to divide; to empower, as op ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-12


歐洲議會經過多年談判,周三終以301票贊成、272票反對及46票棄權,通過《移民和庇護新協定》(New Pac ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2024年04月12日

North Korea could be a different country

... nage this new project? No North Korean had the necessar ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2024年04月11日


... , Canada, New Zealand, the UK, and the US), Hansen et a ...全文


STEAM should be linked to real life

... xperts, a new programme rolled out in 2022 allowing teachers to take up attachments in the technology sector for 2 to 4 weeks, so as to deepen their industry knowledge. What’s more, through partnershi ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-08


... 飯,附近有些商舖以及New Wimbledon Theatre等表演場地,還罕見地有一間四層高百貨公司Elys ...全文


North Korea could be a different country

... nage this new project? No North Korean had the necessary skills. Many South Koreans did, but they were out of the question. Isolated from the world, Jong-il knew few candidates. Then he thought of Yan ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-05

NEWHOPE B2704-R(84506) 債券及結構性產品 - [發行通函或定價補充文件 - 債務證券]

NEWHOPE B2704-R(84506) 刊發發售通函 - New Hope Group Co., Ltd ...全文


China rolls out red carpet for foreign CEOs–will it work?

... on of his news conference at the National People's Cong ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2024年04月04日

NEWHOPE B2704-R(84506) 債券及結構性產品 - [上市通告 - 債務證券]

NEWHOPE B2704-R(84506) 於香港聯合交易所有限公司上市的通告 - New Hope Gro ...全文



... 樂。是Dvorak的New World Symphony,還是Rachmaninoff的Piano Conce ...全文


Russia increasingly resembles North Korea

... ou to the new leader of the country, Comrade Kim Il-sung.” The crowd was expecting to see a man in his 50s with a face hardened by years of war, a famous guerrilla leader of that name. Instead a plump ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-02

AI革命 能源成最大阻力

... 標 近日《紐約客》(New Yorker)一篇文章探討有關問題,談到德弗里斯的觀點,指出AI科技與環境可持續發 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2024年03月29日

China rolls out red carpet for foreign CEOs – will it work?

... on of his news conference at the National People’s Congress, this was further evidence that he has limited power in setting economic policy and that this power lies with President Xi. “China is planni ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-28


...  Greek or New Testament Greek?」世事奇妙,冥冥中有連繫。   ...全文


Privacy concerns about electronic medical record sharing

... race this new technology and enable public funds to be spent more effectively. ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-25


... 風行,加上美國新政(New Deal)大刀闊斧,當時經濟學界最熱門的話題,就是政府如何透過支出刺激經濟,既能化 ...全文


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