
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 ...150

Resilience first in the post-Covid world

... of smartphones and other consumer electronics — in many cases the more important customers. TSMC, the Taiwan-based semiconductor manufacturer, wins ten times more revenue from smartphone manufacturers ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-23

More support to upskill nursing sector amidst ageing population

... o practitioners in the nursing sector, care homes and rehabilitation staff to keep abreast with the constant changes in the industry. In addition to increasing the number of local training places, the ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-23

Reopening a must:Vaccination is key-but not enough

... y price – one arguably too hefty for the many residing ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年11月23日

Diversifying talents to help HK thrive as a financial hub

... ainland a one-stop sandbox platform to support financial institutions and tech companies in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in their testing of cross-border Fintech applications. In August, the Financi ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-22

Reopening a must: Vaccination is key-but not enough

... y price – one arguably too hefty for the many residing in our city to foot. Hong Kong thrives off its connections and embeddedness within global trade and travel networks. Without tourists, foreign in ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-22

Digital currencies: Cryptos, CBDCs and the future of payments

...  of fiat money. Crypto adoption in Hong Kong In the past few years, Hong Kong has witnessed the establishment of several homegrown crypto exchanges such as Crypto.com, some of the world’s largest cryp ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-22

Why TSMC goes global with its production

... s, smartphones, data centres, satellites and military equipment. The world is suffering from a global chip shortage, which will cause 3.9 million fewer cars to be produced this year than last. TSMC co ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-22

商湯微博具名氣 市淡招股恐遇冷

... 打新」。 主理ZA One新股易投資策略的安安資產投資管理首席執行官馮時煖認為,儘管近期IPO估值已見回落,仍 ...全文


拜登體檢後離開醫院 稱身體狀況很好

... 號」(Marine One)回到白宮。 白宮此前表示,拜登到醫院接受年度例行健康檢查,是他今年1月就職以來的首 ...全文


會德豐東啟德兩盤沽兩伙 套現2097萬

會德豐地產九龍東啟德MONACO ONE及Oasis Kai Tak今天合共售出2伙單位,合共套現2097.3 ...全文


Think small to fight climate change: SMEs' important role

... cament is one shared by more than 200 million SMEs of all types in developing countries that cannot get the funds they need to grow, facing an estimated $5.2 trillion annual financing gap. Internation ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-19


... 產啟德MONACO ONE周四次輪發售接近沽清,售出141伙,套現逾14.3億元。■ 碧桂園服務(06098) ...全文


Ending the permanent respiratory disease pandemic

... them with one of the most powerful weapons against pneumonia – the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV). This leaves a lot of children – more than 350 million under the age of five – dangerously expos ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-19


會德豐地產九龍東啟德MONACO ONE,周四(18日)進行次輪公開發售接近沽清,售出141伙,套現逾14.3 ...全文


MONACO ONE再銷141伙近售清
九龍灣重建項目皓日樓書曝光 單幢294戶

新盤購買力源源不絕,會德豐地產發展的九龍東啟德MONACO ONE昨天閒日出擊仍近乎被掃清光,次輪發售150伙 ...全文


創科往績驕人 博年內破頂

... 、拉釘工具,以及配備ONE-KEY技術的SAWZALL往復鋸,令M18平台現時備有216項產品。 RYOBI消 ...全文


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