
共 138 個結果
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Stay in the game: Investing in a late-cycle world

... ear their peaks— and in doing so have often missed out on opportunities to generate portfolio returns above the risk-free rate. Relatively high cash yields are tempting some investors to maintain elev ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-31

The lost lessons of the pandemic

... rom their peaks in 2021 and 2022. But is this indicative of our successful response, or have we simply been lucky? To be sure, the scientific community mobilized to develop tests, vaccines, and other ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-12

The hunger profiteers

The COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have caused commodity prices to soar in recent years, severely undermining global food security. Now, global food prices are down from the peaks of a year ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-11


... 是不可能的》(14 Peaks: Nothing Is Impossible)捕捉了這種精神,它記錄了一位登山 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2023年05月29日

The global climate system’s Himalayan hotspot

... red in 14 Peaks: Nothing Is Impossible, a Netflix documentary chronicling one mountaineer’s attempt to summit the world’s highest peaks in seven months. And yet, despite rising 6,993 meters (nearly 23 ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-16

The population boon

... opulation peaks at 8.8 billion in the middle of the century before declining to 7.3 billion in 2100. In the second scenario, which we call the “Giant Leap,” the global population peaks at 8.5 billion ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-31

泰北最大商場坐鎮 樓價平首都郊區25%

... 。 區內16年樓齡的Peaks Garden,樓高8層,設有室外泳池及健身室,24小時保安。項目現有12個放盤 ...全文


Fixing the food trade

... cts, with peaks reaching 1,000%. At the beginning of this year, food prices had already reached high levels compared to recent years, and international agencies had begun to warn of growing hunger. Th ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-24

Why the Fed should wait and see

...  from its peaks last fall to just above where it was before the pandemic. While shipping costs are still well above their pre-pandemic levels, they are down almost 50% from last fall’s peaks and likel ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-13

Has US equities priced in recession?

... al sector peaks and troughs may still lie weeks apart. For example energy, which has had an exceptional run in 2022, only peaked at the beginning of June and has been corrected by 24% since then. This ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-26

The global economy in transition

... g off the peaks while leaving the troughs in place. Geopolitics is also bolstering the clean-energy incentive: unlike fossil fuels, renewables largely do not create external dependencies. The green tr ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-07

Don’t bet on a soft landing

... om recent peaks), bond yields rising higher, and credit spreads widening. Yet if central banks wimp out now, the outcome will resemble the stagflationary 1970s, when a recession was accompanied by hig ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-01

Things would get worse before they get better

... inflation peaks in the second quarter but then stabilizes at close to 5%, rather than 3%? And what if, again contrary to our assumptions, war spreads to NATO territory? There are many unanswered quest ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-23

Allan Zeman talks about why he’ll never give up on Hong Kong

... the virus peaks which, according to the University of Hong Kong, happened on March 4, the infection rate drops very quickly. Vaccination rates have also gone up which will also help to [mitigate the v ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-16


...  with the peaks in January and December, and the lowest ...全文


海航山頂屋3.87億沽 酷派創始人接手

... 12號TWELVE PEAKS雙號洋房,早前盛傳以蝕讓價易手,成交價最終落實為3.87億元,買家英文姓名與中國 ...全文



海航集團持有的山頂超級豪宅TWELVE PEAKS雙號洋房,去年淪為銀主盤後, 最近成功以3.87億元沽出,實 ...全文


TWELVE PEAKS淪銀主盤 七年貶值23%

... 12號TWELVE PEAKS雙號洋房,去年底淪為銀主盤,近日以約3.9億元售出,呎價約91959元,較市價低 ...全文


海航TWELVE PEAKS洋房蝕逾1億售出

近年陷財困的海航系,接連售出物業。市場消息指出,旗下山頂TWELVE PEAKS雙號屋,曾是海航聯合創始人陳峰 ...全文



... 12號TWELVE PEAKS一座大宅,最新遭羅兵咸永道兩名合夥人接管,市場料有關舉動是鋪路把該洋房標售。 料 ...全文


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