
共 52 個結果
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Conflict could seriously disrupt world trade, investment flows

...  model by Pictet Asset Management reckons a 10 percent tariff on US trade fully passed on to consumers could tip the global economy into stagflation and knock 2.5 percent off corporate earnings global ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-06


... 0年傳統的百達集團(Pictet Group)旗下資產管理公司可說是Small Is Beautiful的典範 ...全文


憂推高債息 觸發新動盪

... 的走勢屬正常現象。 Pictet Asset Management認為,要待信貸狀況收緊,打擊企業的還款能力, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global本周美股前瞻2018年02月12日

寶盛CEO跳槽 副總裁暫代職務

... 到國內對手百達集團(Pictet Group)作合夥人,最遲明年中履新。寶盛決定由副行政總裁霍德勒(Bernh ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2017年11月28日


... 觀點 百達資產管理(Pictet Asset Management)高級投資經理Shaniel Ramjee表 ...全文


科技服務業推動 深圳GDP快超港

... 約3%。內地媒體引述Pictet財富管理高級亞洲經濟學家Dong Chen表示,海外投資者與中國財富橋樑的身份 ...全文


HK plays key role in helping Chinese tycoons invest globally

... cutive of Pictet Wealth Management in Asia. This article appeared in the Hong Kong Private Banking Journal on Nov. 16 Translation by Julie Zhu --Contact us at [email protected] JZ/JP/RA ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-16


... 。     ❻黃金 Pictet Wealth Management認為,年初升勢如虹的黃金有機會見頂,美國聯 ...全文



... 由諸多善意所鋪成。」Pictet財富管理公司資產配置部門主管Christophe Donay說:「日本及歐洲央 ...全文


Monsanto sweetens offer for Syngenta, values firm at US$47 bln

... anager at Pictet Asset Management, the 17th-biggest investor in Syngenta, told Reuters earlier this year he thought a deal could get done above 500 Swiss francs. A Sanford C. Bernstein survey earlier ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-25

Swiss banks step up focus on Asia wealth management

... wiss bank Pictet's wealth management business in Asia, was quoted as saying. "Asians are willing to try out a bank but you have to explain what you bring to the table." -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-10

Experts warn of A-share risks amid China's high debt levels

... to Japan, Pictet Wealth Management's Asia chief investment officer Bhaskar Laxminarayan told the Hong Kong Economic Journal. Aware of the impact of such high debt level on enterprises and the economy, ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-29

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