
共 1938 個結果
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The Ukraine war is reshaping development

... S Federal Reserve has embarked on monetary tightening, implementing the first of this year’s seven planned quarter-point interest-rate increases. Fed Chair Jerome Powell has indicated that even bigger ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-28

悉尼Lane Cove分層價看漲兩成
獲選十大升值力城區 入市門檻低

... Burns Bay Reserve,擁大片綠油油草地和優美水景。       ...全文


住宅半數屬分層 空置率不足2%

... Burns Bay Reserve。Burns Bay Road沿路有多個巴士站,有特快巴士開往悉尼市中心。另 ...全文


The monetary consequences of Vladimir Putin

... -exchange reserves worldwide has fallen by roughly ten percentage points, as central banks diversified away from the greenback. But the resulting migration has been only one-quarter into the renminbi ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-14

How demographic challenges are shaping China's investment story

... ans• Cash reserve requirement ratio cuts for banks to free up lending capacity• Allowing property developers to resume issuing asset-backed securities (ABS)• Easing of land sales in some cities•These ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-11


... " Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Brief, No. ...全文


Inflation concern won’t change positive outlook for tech stocks

... S Federal Reserve switching to a more hawkish stance, indicating earlier rate hikes, and removing all reference to the word “transitory” when it came to discussing inflation. As a result, investors pa ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-09


... 》(Federal Reserve Act),既成立了聯儲局制度,亦容許美國銀行大量為商戶提供美元貿易信貸,英 ...全文


Will sanctioning Russia upend the monetary system?

... -exchange reserves) is arguably a masterstroke. True, Russia has diversified its reserves away from the dollar in recent years. But judging by the scale of the international response and its immediate ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-04

Stop financing Putin’s war

... -exchange reserves to buy needed imports, which cost $380 billion (25% of GDP) in 2021. To pay for imports from a Western country, you need euros, dollars, or another Western currency. Italian or Fren ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-03

Fighting the last inflation war

In 1955, then-US Federal Reserve Chair William McChesney Martin famously said that the Fed’s job was to take away the punch bowl “just when the party was really warming up,” rather than waiting until ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-25

The case against Fed gradualism

So far this century, the US Federal Reserve has been relentlessly gradualist about increasing the federal funds rate. Since its last 50-basis-point rate hike in May 2000, the Fed has increased its pol ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-23

An Argentinian haircut for the IMF

... S Federal Reserve and other major central banks raise their policy rates and taper and reverse their balance-sheet expansions. Slower global growth will weigh on commodity prices and export receipts. ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-18


... 以往擔任金融科技公司Reserve Trust董事時,該公司為什麼獲得聯儲局的主賬戶及可連接聯儲局的支付系統。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年02月17日


... e),替金融初創企業Reserve Trust作宣傳。 圖米在聲明中指出,Reserve Trust當時沒有接 ...全文


America’s not-so-great inflation

... S Federal Reserve fell behind the curve, and inflation expectations became unmoored. Consumers, producers, and workers all expected prices to keep rising at the same or even an accelerating pace. Acco ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-11

低息政策製泡沫 聯儲局須重組

... 》(Federal Reserve Act),規定聯儲局有保持物價穩定及促進全民就業的「雙重使命」。可是,筆者 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2022年02月11日

剖析東滯西脹 慎防繁榮假象

... e Federal Reserve Broke the American Economy一書中,嘲諷聯儲局官員 ...全文


A balanced response to inflation

... S Federal Reserve now considering a new policy stance, it is worth noting that periods of rapid structural change often call for a higher optimal inflation rate, owing to the downward nominal rigiditi ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-08

Submerged by COVID

... S Federal Reserve and capital scarcity worldwide put upward pressure on interest rates. Moreover, public debt is only part of the problem. Since the onset of the pandemic, the debts of households and ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-04

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