
共 164 個結果
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Govt turning a deaf ear to citizens

... f private residences is pending approval by the Town Planning Board. If the proposal is passed, about 10,000 more people will move into this district, putting heavier pressure on its already fully loa ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-25


... High Park Residences的利潤入賬將意味此公司的樓盤會由過往的300多個單位增加至千多個單位, ...全文


How CY Leung is missing the point in the housing crisis

... ld luxury residences but not mass housing. So a problem that is blamed on shortage of housing units is in fact an issue concerning affordability. Many Hong Kong people simply cannot afford to buy a ho ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-11

Turning country parks into residences is an option, Leung says

Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying welcomed proposals to designate some of the land reserved for country parks for residential use, saying the homes to be built in those areas could be sold to young peop ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-11


仲量聯行獲委託代理美國洛杉磯比華利山的豪宅物業Four Seasons Private Residences, ...全文


鑽嶺盡推餘貨48伙 累收近千票

... NT PARKER RESIDENCES昨天削減從價印花稅回贈,由4.25%減至4%,項目將於下月2日發售1伙 ...全文


'Chinese invasion' of Vancouver real estate: What's the truth?

... s Private Residences at Hotel Georgia for example: only one-fifth of its buyers are from mainland China while nearly two-thirds are locals. Even though some buyers are not locals, many bought the prop ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-22

Bishopsgate Residences極具投資潛力

... shopsgate Residences位處新加坡第10區高尚住宅區,匯聚多國大使館及企業高層的居所,尊貴地段 ...全文


吉隆坡鬧市豪宅 租金高過供樓
樓價僅港 1/5 升值潛力強

... 的Pavilion Residences為例,2009年售價每方呎2400港元,現時已升至4500多港元,累積 ...全文


吉隆坡雙子塔旁 豪宅Tropicana The Residences
黃金地段優勢盡現 盡享精采繁華生活

... icana The Residences,享有無可比擬的地理優勢,現時在亞洲區多個大城市同步以優惠價發售首批單 ...全文


How a century-old monastery is using crowdfunding to save itself

...  high-end residences near the Tolo Highway. Faced with huge maintenance and repair costs, the monastery has taken an interesting initiative by launching a crowdfunding program.   Nun Chi Ting, who cur ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-11


... icana The Residences同於周六及日在港展銷,定價約300萬港元起。 ...全文

今日信報地產市道周六地產專題 簡訊2015年07月04日

以弧制角 自然居庭

... nt Parker Residences的居室,擁有1800方呎的面積,居室四周有多幅落地玻璃窗,不但可以把窗 ...全文



... 藏項目FABRIK Residences,可步行到加拿大第一學府多倫多大學,單位四正實用,適合投資出租或大學生 ...全文


吉隆坡發展向好 樓市較同區落後
全新豪華住宅Tribeca 優質投資之選

... y Habitat Residences等,均是聲譽超卓、具質素的信心保證。 Tribeca共有兩翼,分別樓高 ...全文


吉隆坡雙子塔旁 優越地理位置
嶄新地標式豪宅品牌 Tropicana The Residences

... icana The Residences,享有無可比擬的地理優勢,現時在亞洲區多個大城市同步以優惠價發售首批單 ...全文


豐泰港台7盤待推 干德道建超豪宅地標

... t. Thomas Residences的建築師Robert A.M. Stern Architects(RA ...全文


Digital transformation key to revive Europe's economy

... nnect all residences to broadband (at least 30 mbps) by this time. These targets should be fully embraced, and policymakers should continue to encourage major investments in broadband, as well as in t ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-23

Why is the Liaison Office selling its properties?

... o the two residences owned by former chief secretary Henry Tang Ying-yen, whose illegal basement was one of the chief reasons he lost the chief executive race three years ago. So what's the score? Is ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-06

Shots fired near Biden Delaware home

... er nearby residences were hit by bullets. About half an hour after the shooting, local police arrested an individual in a vehicle attempting to pass an officer who was securing the area. The person is ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-19

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