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... 南亞騰訊」冬海集團(Sea Limited),在美掛牌股份也從10月高位回落兩成,相比其他曾是市場寵兒的新經濟 ...全文


Resilience first in the post-Covid world

... ast China Sea), and Shenzhen (South China Sea). The automobile industry has been badly affected by supply chain snarl ups. A modern automobile has thousands of computer chips. Car production at many f ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-23

China and U.S. go for 'grey war', not shooting war

... sociate researcher at the Asia Centre, Paris and at the French Centre for Research on Contemporary China in Hong Kong. “The China of Xi Jinping is more willing to take risks than that of Deng Xiaoping ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-18

China and U.S. go for 'grey war', not shooting war

... sociate researcher at the Asia Centre, Paris and at the ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2021年11月18日

China's soft power: A serious matter or who cares?

... uth China Sea; and the human rights issues in Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong. At the national level, attitudes of Western governments and politicians have become increasingly negative towards China. Ke ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-17


... in People Sea,藝文人型人都來了,男的長髮man bun或圓眼鏡黑長裙,女的盛裝看歌劇般豪,我們上 ...全文


MONACO ONE收6153票冠會地啟德盤

... 。 Wetland Seasons Bay二期超購10.9倍 新地(00016)天水圍濕地公園路1號發展項目第 ...全文



... 馬遜(AMZN)以至Sea(SE)旗下蝦皮平台,廠家已經可以直接接觸到客戶,廠家當件貨連成本及平台抽佣費每件賣 ...全文


SEA TO SKY料月底前通知業主收樓

長實(01113)與港鐵(00066)合作發展的將軍澳日出康城SEA TO SKY已正式獲批滿意紙,預期項目將 ...全文


On COP26: Sound and fury, signifying nothing?

... ly rising sea levels, and tackling one of the most immi ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年11月12日

On COP26: Sound and fury, signifying nothing?

... ly rising sea levels, and tackling one of the most imminent crises to befall mankind over the past five centuries: climate change. The first obstacle is one concerning responsibility. Who is to bear t ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-11

UK struggles to find coherent China policy

... adwell-on-Sea. The government will have great difficulty finding investors to make up the shortfall in a project that will take years to build and is certain to have cost overruns. The removal of CGN ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-08


... H-60R「海鷹」(Sea hawk)反水面和反潛艇直升機。 因為AUKUS,澳洲將以每艘25億美元造價從美國 ...全文


酒神尋珍味 亞洲風法饌

... 「Japanese Sea Urchin & Black Angus Beef Sirloin Rol ...全文


Why climate change is a health crisis

... 0 monsoon season in Bangladesh, for example, water flooded a quarter of the country. More than 1.3 million homes were damaged, and hundreds of people died. Rising sea levels caused by climate change w ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-02

連升兩季後回落 待售樓花逾2年低

... 2伙的日出康城第8期SEA TO SKY於4月取得入伙紙,更是今年暫時最多單位落成的樓盤。 對於整體潛在供應量 ...全文



... 蘭海」(Irish Sea)成為英歐之間的新邊界,所以便大大阻礙了英國與北愛的雙邊貿易流量。 這自然削弱了英國 ...全文


Trade and the future of food

... fleets at sea – a policy that drives depletion of fish stocks. Farm-support programs can similarly distort food and agricultural markets, with fossil-fuel subsidies compounding the effects. Government ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-19

索馬里裔疑兇落網 曾納入反極端計劃

... (Leigh-on-Sea),事前未有預約在事發教堂會見顏敏時,但在教堂等待40分鐘後獲對方接見。 警方相信阿 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年10月18日


... (Leigh-on-Sea)發生斬人事件,警方到場後發現埃默斯已受傷倒地,救護人員為他搶救,但他傷勢嚴重,當場 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年10月16日

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