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What’s left after the brutal birds shooting in stock market?

... s week. A sharp selloff that saw Hang Seng Index fell to around 25,000 yesterday on a record turnover of HK$360 billion was said to have originated from a regulatory crackdown on after-school tutoring ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-28

US growth stocks unlikely to be troubled by short-term inflation

Optimism surrounding the nascent U.S. economic recovery following one of the deepest downturns in history has been tempered in recent months by a sharp rise in inflation. Annual consumer price index ( ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-27

輝瑞支付26億 結束EpiPen訴訟

... 興訟代表律師Rex Sharp稱,十分高興見到輝瑞同意和解。 ...全文


Outlook for global dividend stocks highly positive

... lead to a sharp economic recovery. Strong demand for products will lead to higher inflation and there are few historical guideposts for this type of environment. The biggest risks to equities currentl ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-09

Potential gains to be found beyond China’s mega-caps

... n, with a sharp focus on renewable sources of energy. A future that is driven by renewable sources of energy could allow China to become more self‑sufficient and less dependent on energy imports. Give ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-06

Health care and Swiss equities revisited

Global health care equities troughed in April after a tough year. The drop started in 2020 as seen in the sharp correction in relative price-to-earnings ratios, from a 16% premium in March 2020 to a 1 ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-30


... 5.7%。 The Sharp八年貶值1414萬 此外,市場亦錄工商舖蝕讓成交,銅鑼灣銀座式商廈The Sha ...全文


An era of exponential innovation

... ed to the sharp reductions in technological components and DNA sequencing. The outcome as the subsequent chart shows, has been that adoption rates of new technologies have accelerated over the past 12 ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-16

零售業棄銅鑼灣大舖 食肆頂上撐市

... 號銀座式商廈THE SHARP地下1號舖及1至2樓共3層舖位作為分行,為該廈落成後第一個租客,地下建築面積約1 ...全文


傳終止華為合作 Leica拒評

... 10)、榮耀和聲寶(Sharp)。 Leica回應傳媒查詢時表示,公司自2015年來與華為消費者業務建立長期可 ...全文


Help India now

... udden and sharp reversal. The country supplies more than 60% of vaccines globally, and it was supposed to lead efforts to manufacture COVID-19 vaccines for numerous countries. But with the new variant ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-12

Will corporate greed prolong the pandemic?

... ed by the sharp decline in the major vaccine-makers’ share prices just after the Biden administration’s announcement that it will engage in waiver negotiations. With a waiver, more vaccines will come ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-07

TSMC must balance U.S. and China markets

...  caused a sharp rise in prices of various chips. The supply shortages will continue over the next six to nine months.” The dilemma for TSMC is how to balance its two largest markets. In 2020, the U.S. ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-29

TSMC must balance U.S. and China markets

...  caused a sharp rise in prices of various chips. The su ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2021年04月29日

Greening of the Asian financial ecosystem takes great strides

... tnessed a sharp increase in 2020 compared to 2019, with Refinitiv’s Sustainable Finance Review indicating that sustainable finance bonds hit an all-time annual record of US$544.3 billion in 2020, more ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-22

How uneven nature of pandemic impact boosts copper prices

... rebounded sharply and by the beginning of 2021 were at their best levels since before the global financial crisis. One sees a similar pattern in China. China’s official GDP, which includes manufacturi ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-16

Is stagflation coming?

There is a growing debate about whether the inflation that will arise over the next few months will be temporary, reflecting the sharp bounce-back from the COVID-19 recession, or persistent, reflectin ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-15


... 億美元收購聲寶集團(Sharp)最為哄動,「為台爭光」,CVC若然能夠成功購入東芝,只是其翻版。美國通用電氣( ...全文


Nolite te bastardes carborundorum

... at 3:30pm sharp in the winter; also a land that was bot ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年03月27日

Nolite te bastardes carborundorum

... at 3:30pm sharp in the winter; also a land that was both familiar and uncanny – familiar in the sense that I’d read about it, read in its language, perfected the “r”s and glottal stops in its tongue, ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-24

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