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... 預計短期內重發壽臣山SHOUSON PEAK價單,並增加優惠吸客。 溋玥洋房加入稅惠 信置營業部聯席董事田兆源 ...全文


Sun Hung Kai poised to sell more than 6,000 new homes this year

...  Sai Wan, Shouson Peak in Island South and Twelve Peaks on The Peak. The developer will be contributing 30 percent of the 20,000 new units expected to come onto the market this year, said Louis Chan W ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-15

新地今年推六千伙 97後最多
首季共四盤 每月有樓賣

... 錦江表示,南區壽臣山SHOUSON PEAK短期內擬推售實用面積約3600方呎的洋房,目前價單售價約2.7億至 ...全文



... 00016)旗下區內SHOUSON PEAK成交呎價6.8至8萬元,高出最少20%。原業主1999年以3300 ...全文


Govt paychecks: The big gravy train

... lla is on Shouson Hill near Deep Water Bay in Southern District. So it's no wonder that a government job is regarded as an "iron rice bowl". In the context of Hong Kong, it means a job that is not onl ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-12

HK dying a slow death by selective decolonization

...  Road and Shouson Hill Road? What’s the next thing that will succumb to this decolonization campaign? Does all of this sound like Hong Kong’s rule of law, separation of powers and judicial independenc ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-26

Ex-Donald Tsang chef spills the beans on HK politicians

...  Centre’s Shouson Theatre. Sad memories in China Yu was born into a wealthy family in Shanghai in 1954. His grandfather was an official at the education ministry under the Kuomintang, and his father w ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-01

How to live like Li Ka-shing

... se at 22A Shouson Hill Road, where he lived for six years, is available for lease, and we presume many mainland "tuhao", or nouveau riche, are queuing up to see what it is all about. Li and his son Vi ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-11

Auction hits high and low of HK property market

... e upscale Shouson Hill Road West area, beating 15 other developers, the Lands Department said. The price works out to almost HK$31,000 per square foot. The developer plans to build 20 to 30 low-densit ...More

EJ Insight2014-05-15

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