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2016年被台灣鴻海收購的日本電器品牌Sharp(聲寶)日前公布業績,液晶屏幕部門錄得超過千億日圓虧損。其公司 ...全文


科倫博泰生物-B(06990) 其他-業務發展最新情況

科倫博泰生物-B(06990) 自願公告 與MERCK SHARP & DOHME LLC就核心產品SKB26 ...全文



... 技術總監Chris Sharp向英國廣播公司(BBC)指出,一座普通數據中心需要32兆瓦(MW)電力,人工智能 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞EJ Tech 創科鬥室2024年02月16日

鴻海料今年表現略佳 AI晶片短缺或持續

... 及日本電器集團聲寶(Sharp)持股的撇賬。而今年前景應略優於去年,但環球經濟前景不明朗,地緣衝突可能影響消費 ...全文



... 更甚,有人喜歡它極度sharp醒,也有人嫌它過於浮滑,總結一句就是,花太多時間走精面,不如做好自己,勿忘同時出 ...全文


The Google trial’s dangerous secrecy

...  stand in sharp contrast to that credo. They also set a dangerous precedent: a private company, in an effort to protect its core business and reputation, persuaded a court to limit transparency and pu ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-08

Higher interest rates are here to stay

... ty that a sharp rise in interest rates would dramatically increase interest payments on existing debt, including debt held by central banks as bank reserves, was simply dismissed. But here we are: the ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-06

Fed Balance sheet run-off will likely end in second half of 2024

... s to fall sharply before Quantitative Tightening could even be started. O/N RRP usage started to fall significantly after the resolution of the debt-ceiling crisis at the beginning of June 2023. Indee ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-30

華為聲寶簽全球專利交叉許可協議 覆蓋5G等

華為與聲寶(Sharp,又稱夏普)簽訂一份新的長期全球專利交叉許可協議,覆蓋了包括4G和5G在內的蜂窩標準必要 ...全文


The stunning resilience of emerging markets

... s and the sharp appreciation of the US dollar, none of the large emerging markets – including Mexico, Brazil, Indonesia, Vietnam, South Africa, and even Turkey – appears to be in debt distress, accord ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-02

科倫博泰生物-B(06990) 內幕消息 / 復牌

科倫博泰生物-B(06990) 內幕消息 與MERCK SHARP & DOHME LLC合作的最新消息及恢復 ...全文


The global order’s triple policy challenge

... ed by the sharp increase in global interest rates and the decrease in private capital inflows to emerging-market economies. Several recent initiatives seek to tackle the triple challenge of sustaining ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-24

Hong Kong’s competitive edge in post-Covid talent competition

... senting a sharp year-on-year increase of 220% compared to the record of 27,300 in 2021. Per government officials, the net outflow is partially due to a low level of talent inflow during pandemic contr ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-31

How should Japan respond to inflation?

In the fall of 2021, monetary economists in the United States were sharply divided between those who believed that high inflation would be short-lived (Team Transitory) and those who insisted it was h ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-28

Finding growth in a fractured world

... a uniform sharp increase in household, business, and property demand. Instead, the process has been uneven and weaker than consensus forecasts. While GDP bounced back by 6.3% in the second quarter, gr ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-24

'Great Reset' presents great REITs opportunity

The past 18 months have been a wild ride for global real estate markets. The sharp rise in global interest rates over the past year is driving a “great reset” of real estate values. Global repricing i ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-21

Is the US economy headed for a soft landing?

... causing a sharp increase in unemployment and drop in GDP. But a soft landing might best be defined as a gradual slowdown of output growth and employment to levels below their potential and natural rat ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-18

From four NOes to four YESes

...  noes”, a sharp contrast to the four pursuits – baby, dog, car and home – in Hong Kong in the golden 80s. A document issued by the Guangzhou Communist Youth League circulating on the Internet pointed ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-13

In Britain, three million use food banks

...  that the sharp rise in inflation has resulted in a fall in their real income and demand wage increases to compensate. The government has been unwilling or unable to meet many of their demands. The bi ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-13

In Britain, three million use food banks

...  that the sharp rise in inflation has resulted in a fal ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年07月13日

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