
共 697 個結果
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US cracks down on high-tech work visa program

...  workers. Silicon Valley’s biggest tech companies, many of which were founded or run by immigrants, depend on H-1Bs and say efforts to thwart immigration threaten innovation, recruitment and startup f ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-05

倫敦市中心時尚住宅項目The Atlas Building
坐擁Zone 1優勢 租金升幅可望逾兩成半

... 鐘。項目更鄰近倫敦的Silicon Roundabout,為世界第三大科技初創中心,所帶來的工作人口將支持區內 ...全文


US regulators close Tesla autopilot probe

US regulators have closed a probe of a fatal crash involving a Tesla Motors Inc. car driving itself, concluding the Silicon Valley auto maker’s semi-automated technology didn’t contain a safety defect ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-20

Qualcomm to invest in SoftBank’s technology fund

...  brings a Silicon Valley imprimatur to what would be one of the world’s largest pools of private capital. SoftBank—the conglomerate whose chief executive, Masayoshi Son, has spoken of a coming technol ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-04

Nokia sues Apple over technology patents

... ek that a Silicon Valley jury had awarded one of its units a US$7.3 million settlement in an infringement case against Apple involving two smartphone patents. Nokia, once the world's dominant cellphon ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-22

學術世界另一對Two Cultures

... 漸塑造了今天的矽谷(Silicon Valley),Terman教授也因而被稱為「矽谷之父」。幾十年來,史丹福 ...全文



... 獸」企業的奇蹟,成為Silicon Valley的頭號競爭對手,美國企業不惜掏腰包以高價收購。瑞典創出世界級奇 ...全文


Why US tech fall on Trump’s victory is unjustified

... tanked as Silicon Valley prepares for uncertainty under a Trump administration. The Dow Jones Industrial Average has surged 5.5 percent since Trump won the election, led by old-economy stocks such as ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-17

How Donald Trump could shake up Silicon Valley

... giants in Silicon Valley. Trump has said he will go after internet companies. Rich Americans supported Hillary Clinton. Internet leaders have open political views and have been loyal Clinton supporter ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-14

Honda picks Tokyo over Silicon Valley for AI research center

Honda Motor has opted to headquarter its artificial intelligence (AI) research center in Tokyo, rather than Silicon Valley in the United States, as the automaker wants the researchers to work closely ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-01

Keynes and Hayek in China's property markets

...  price in Silicon Valley. This, he suggests, may be the last hurrah before a market meltdown. Liu Shijin, former Vice Minister of the Development Reform Center of China's State Council, disagrees. Ins ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-27

Property speculation darkens Shenzhen’s tech ambitions

Several cities aspire to be the "Silicon Valley" of China. Shenzhen has one of the strongest claims: it is home to many global internet and telecom companies and a pioneer high-tech industrial park. I ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-15

Facebook won't become media company: Zuckerberg

... held with Silicon Valley leaders, including Apple CEO Tim Cook and Alphabet's boss Eric Schmidt. Zuckerberg said he gave the Argentine pontiff a model of Aquila, Facebook's lightweight solar-powered d ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-30

Tesla scorcher coming with new battery upgrade

... tion, the Silicon Valley automaker said. The new battery pack is also available for the performance version of the Model X sport utility vehicle. The Model X is already the quickest SUV ever, Tesla sa ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-24

Is there a tech bubble?

... bubble in Silicon Valley, some analysts said. There are 193 unicorns, or startups worth at least US$1 billion, with a total market value of US$721 billion, according to Techcrunch. But some are less w ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-23

HP Enterprise拆售積極 前景向好

... .下同)收購老牌對手Silicon Graphics International,作價為0.5倍企業價值銷售比 ...全文



... 所賜。矽谷的起飛——Silicon Valley is made by IC,IC指的可以為Integrate ...全文


Ford plans to offer fully driverless car by 2021

... he firm's Silicon Valley campus on Tuesday. "This is a transformational moment in our industry and it is a transformational moment for our company," he said, according to the Associated Press. Ford sa ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-17


... on Segars在Silicon Valley首次「邂逅」,其後在Segars於Silicon Valley ...全文


Toyota gets Uber blowback from outraged Japanese taxi drivers

...  visit to Silicon Valley last year for his country to embrace the internet economy or risk losing vitality. -- Contact us at [email protected] RA/CG ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-12

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