
共 140 個結果
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Court of Feminine Appeal

If Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal had a glass ceiling, it has just been smashed to smithereens. The appointment of Canada’s longest-serving Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin and the UK Supreme Court ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-28


這本小說很奇妙,讀到第三頁已經覺得文筆非常好——「Lydia is dead. But they don't ...全文


坐擁黃金地段優勢 升值潛力極佳

蘇豪(SOHO)是英國首都活力泉源之一,亦是倫敦其中一個最時尚的區域,展現大都會的繁華與魅力。坐落在蘇豪區心臟 ...全文


倫敦蘇豪區現樓項目Richmond Buildings
即買即住即收租 租金回報可觀

蘇豪(SOHO)是倫敦最時尚的區域之一,在這裏你可以感受到倫敦的活力,體驗現代化的大都會生活。坐落在蘇豪區心臟 ...全文


倫敦假日 意外驚喜

曾經數度在倫敦中轉,這次總算有理由在此停留,發覺作為假日的倫敦相比起作為起降站的倫敦要有意思得多。前陣子《新福 ...全文


Fed official quits over leak of market-sensitive news

Richmond Federal Reserve president Jeffrey Lacker abruptly left the US central bank on Tuesday after admitting that a conversation he had with a Wall Street analyst in 2012 may have disclosed confiden ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-05

To go or not to go – Hong Kong people’s historic dilemma

“I am a slave here. My son brought me here to be an unpaid nanny and helper to his children. I cannot drive and dare not answer the telephone because I cannot speak English.” Madame Leung Siu-mei was ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-01

Thousands take to US streets to protest Trump victory

Demonstrators marched in cities across the United States to protest against Republican Donald Trump's surprise US presidential election win, blasting his controversial campaign rhetoric about immigran ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-10

Why London mayor is probing foreign home buyers

London Mayor Sadiq Khan said he will carry out "the most thorough research" into foreign property ownership in the city amid skyrocketing home prices. Much like many young people in Hong Kong, ordinar ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-05

England all washed up? Go and see for yourself

The world may be going to hell in a hand basket but a journey through parts of England in July served as a timely reminder that this is still a green and pleasant land. Landing in the early morning at ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-03

強國人買起溫樓市 平民怨針對性徵稅

一、 令「初到貴境」的人印象良深的溫哥華「街景」,是滿眼華人(華語粵音盈耳)和高樓蔽日。華人絕大部分是內地人和 ...全文


Euro to weaken further to 1.13 against the US dollar

The US Federal Reserve should consider raising rates at its June meeting, Richmond Fed president Jeffrey Lacker told the Washington Post in an interview published Monday. However, Lacker has no right ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-19

Fed officials lay case for December liftoff

More Federal Reserve officials appear to support a December increase in interest rates. "I see the risks right now of moving too quickly versus moving too slowly as nearly balanced," Reuters quoted Ne ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-13


過去一周,市場避險情緒高漲。避險資產中,黃金兌美元升幅最大,達4%;歐羅次之,兌美元升幅為2.5%;日圓緊隨其 ...全文


股災無關經濟 優質A股撈底

過去一周,市場避險情緒高漲,避險資產中,黃金兌美元升幅最大,達4%;歐羅次之,兌美元升幅為2.5%;日圓緊隨其 ...全文



若說到加拿大卑詩省的列治文市(Richmond)是全世界最大的唐人街,或者沒有「官式」頒發的證明,這稱謂為約定 ...全文


Chinese shopkeepers in Vancouver abandon English

Walk in the mall, and you see dim sum restaurants, mahjong parlors, Chinese medicine and massage shops and money changers. You hear different dialects of Cantonese and Mandarin. Mong Kok or Causeway B ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-19

5 killed, 50 injured as NY-bound train derails

An Amtrak passenger train with more than 200 passengers on board derailed in north Philadelphia, killing at least five people and injuring more than 50 others, several of them critically, Reuters repo ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-13

Why Hong Kong finds it hard to recruit international talent

Parents have been scrambling to secure school places for their kids only to find that students have been on an extended summer holiday because of the pro-democracy protests. Ironic perhaps, but findin ...More

EJ Insight2014-10-08

US Supreme Court rebuffs gay marriage opponents

The US Supreme Court has rejected appeals against gay marriage in five states -- Indiana, Utah, Oklahoma, Virginia and Wisconsin. The move increases the number of states where same-sex marriage is leg ...More

EJ Insight2014-10-07

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