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Uber揭灰色地帶 取締不如監管

警方在本周兩度高調展示「放蛇」行動拘捕Uber(優步)數名司機,有市民表示支持政府依例執法;也有的表示現在法例 ...全文

今日信報理財投資年青有計WY Jimmy2015年08月14日

云爾錄 : 逾3萬人聯署撐Uber

警方連日嚴打Uber,高調拘捕多名司機及職員,指他們涉嫌經營或協助教唆經營白牌車,違法載客取酬及無第三者保險。 ...全文


Why the HK govt has suddenly turned hostile against Uber

In an interview with Invest Hong Kong, Sam Gellman, Uber Technologies general manager for Hong Kong, said Hong Kong is one of the best cities in the world. “It has a strong entrepreneurial spirit and ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-13

Uber issue exposes poor taxi service in Hong Kong

Like in many other parts of the world, Uber Technologies has found itself in a sort of a mess in Hong Kong.  Police have raided the local office of the controversial car-hire service and arrested seve ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-13

Uber China plans IPO, seeks new round of funding

Uber China has confirmed it will list in China's A-share market. Head of strategy Liu Zhen made the revelation which was carried by Beijing News on Tuesday. Earlier reports said the car-hailing compan ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-13

Online concern group launches pro-Uber campaign

A group of Hong Kong netizens is lining up behind Uber Technologies Inc. after five drivers and three employees were arrested on Tuesday during a raid on its offices. Citizens Stand By Uber, a Hong Ko ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-13

Uber driver accused of sexual assault on South Carolina woman

A US driver for the taxi-hailing service Uber faces sexual assault charges after a passenger accused him of attacking her instead of driving her home from a bar. Patrick Aiello, 39, a sixth-grade soci ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-13


Uber香港分舵遭警方掃蕩,原本不太出奇,畢竟這個打車軟件在全球各地都被執法機構緊盯;奇就奇在有人發現,港府轄 ...全文


Uber撐司機 警再拘兩人

警方打擊碌卡收費白牌車的「破繭」行動持續,昨日探員再以「放蛇」手法,在九龍塘拘捕兩名疑為Uber上線司機的男子 ...全文



警方檢控Uber五名司機和三名職員,是否能入罪?且由法官定奪;但從這一兩天的罵聲四起看,同情被控者的市民恐怕多 ...全文



... 來了,假如火速冒起的Uber竟然在香港被無情封殺,算不算與興致勃勃的創新背馳? Uber作為新興手機Call車 ...全文


One app, one world but not in Hong Kong

How quickly people forget. Only three months ago, the Hong Kong government welcomed Uber with open arms, hailing it as a success in its efforts to attract foreign investors. So, when police raided Ube ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-12

Taxi operators must look within instead of blaming Uber

... s such as Uber. Now, I don't intend to go overboard in praising Uber, whose goal is to make a profit rather than do social charity. I've noted Uber drivers mark up prices when there is heavy demand. I ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-12

Police raid Uber offices, arrest five drivers and three staff

Police raided two offices in Hong Kong of Uber Technologies Inc. Tuesday, Ming Pao Daily reported. Five of the drivers for the car-hailing service provider were arrested earlier in the day. On Tuesday ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-12

「放蛇」破碌卡白牌車 警首拘Uber司機

... ,警方下午和晚上又到Uber辦事處調查,帶走3名職員。 警方強調,司機即使無直接現金交易,仍有信心有足夠證據起 ...全文



拘捕消息一出,立即「嚇窒」Uber商務車司機。昨下午5時多的繁忙時間,記者嘗試用Uber叫車,即使在港島金鐘區 ...全文



... 超值股,問你死未? Uber在全世界都有敵人,全世界政府都諗緊究竟點樣合法處理Uber,只有香港最快手,真係上 ...全文



... 我生意了。 槍口對着Uber或找錯方向 在香港鬧市,特別是在旅客(或水貨客)多的區域,或者是下雨天,截不到的士 ...全文


擺脫三缺 港App進駐前海夢工場

... 差異,「例如美國公司Uber,進軍內地時用不到Google Map,要轉做高德地圖。所有應用程式都要做本地化, ...全文



... 度有了巨大的提升。 Uber告訴我們什麼?Uber告訴我們,互聯網讓一幫不是的士司機的人開的士,上海的朋友告訴 ...全文


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