
共 47 個結果
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NEOS快落成 500萬有找

... land Park Villas的Noor Inayat Khan House則有39戶。 據項目售樓書介紹, ...全文


太古大嶼山9洋房 意向月租劃一7.5萬

太古地產(01972)宣布,推出大嶼山南岸租賃住宅項目HAM TIN VILLAS招租,提供9幢洋房,月租叫價 ...全文



太古地產(01972)推出位於大嶼山南岸的租賃項目HAM TIN VILLAS,每戶叫價為每月7.5萬元,已包 ...全文


靠樣搵食 唔好打臉

... 控,馬賽主帥保亞斯(Villas-Boas)直言:「我們對種族歧視是零容忍,但我不認為今場波與此有關。」就算法 ...全文


普帥黯然下馬 摩佬閃電上馬

... 幾位前度包括保亞斯(Villas-Boas)、哈利列納(Redknapp)和祖爾(Jol)。即使前隊長舒活(S ...全文


Zhuhai bets heavily on Greater Bay Area

... rs and in villas and luxury apartments. Developers sell not only to Zhuhai residents but also retirees, people from north and central China who buy winter homes, and Hong Kong and Macau residents. Th ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-08


... 幕的Mansion Villas。 惟該行提醒中美貿易談判倘若拖得愈久,以及人民幣進一步貶值,中場增長將會放慢 ...全文


高盛:6月賭收料續受惠低基數 憂貿談及人幣貶值

... 幕的Mansion Villas。 高盛對澳門博彩中埸市場的長期增長仍然看法正面,不過指一旦中美貿談拖得愈久, ...全文


Marriott expands into home rentals, taking on Airbnb

... mes & Villas” will offer 2,000 premium and luxury homes throughout the US, Europe, the Caribbean and Latin America. “The launch of Homes & Villas by Marriott International reflects our ongoing ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-30

Hong Kong housing market shows signs of weakening

... Kingswood Villas in the New Territories and the overall market is a useful gauge. Historically, when the 10-week price difference widens to 10 percentage points, the housing market would usually level ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-31

Kingswood Villas residents face uncertainty over bus service

A private firm that has been providing bus services for many years for residents of Kingswood Villas, a large private housing estate in Tin Shui Wai in New Territories, may decide to call an end to th ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-23


... 為Bay View Villas的25個公寓單位,總樓面面積約2.86萬方呎;座落於永久業權土地上名為Mari ...全文



... enity Sky Villas,毗鄰日本總領事館,樓層雖不超過20層,已是該地段難得的高樓。項目香港代理As ...全文


Woman, 59, critical after failed suicide bid at temple furnace

... Kingswood Villas in Tin Shui Wai with her aged mother, retired as an office secretary a few years ago. While her mother said she is not in the habit of worshipping at temples and had no idea why she w ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-11


...  Pranburi Villas均是該公司的優越之作。 豪華設計頂峰之作 Hyde Sukhumvit 11是 ...全文


Suzhou's 3D-printed garden villas stand for sustainability

... or of two villas, among other projects. One of the villas was based on the design of the Classical Gardens of Suzhou, a well-known example of Chinese architecture. Normally, it would take more than a ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-04

Land leases after 2047: nothing to be alarmed about?

... Kingswood Villas in Tin Shui Wai are among the sizable developments whose land tenures will all end in 2047. Leases of land north of the road – areas in the New Territories and New Kowloon – were made ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-05

Imperial Pacific seeks more worker visas for Saipan casino

...  as guest villas and also purchased five yachts to serve the VIP visitors. The company also bought some additional sites for expansion. After the opening of its first resort next year, the company wil ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-12

馬爾代夫 講心靈講環保

... 礁島Finolhu Villas當經理的Caroline表示為了有效地節能,島上鋪設了太陽能電池板,可透過電池 ...全文


Tuen Mun villagers fear landslide from massive illegal landfill

... Kingswood Villas in Tin Shui Wai, raising concerns over a deadly landslide. Developers of the illegal dumpsite are facing prosecution for failing to comply with an enforcement order deadline, although ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-25

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