
共 2845 個結果
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Understanding China can be easy, but requires humility

... prominent West-based publication. It wasn’t that I don’t read the otherwise excellent paper for articles on topics other than China – it was just that I didn’t find it particularly helpful when it cam ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-27

特朗普誇大財產 前「御用律師」頂證
供稱侵侵自選身家數字 奉命改財報配合

... 斯特(Cornel West)及小羅拔甘迺迪(Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)鐵定出選明年美國總統 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年10月26日

More residents crossing the border on Chung Yeung

... points at West Kowloon high-speed rail terminus, Lok Ma Chau, Lo Wu and Shenzhen Bay Port while more than 82,000 people came from the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao mega bridge. All these numbers surpassed th ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-25

NOVO LAND 2A期「皇者」壓軸登場

... 項目第1期YOHO WEST銷售準備得如火如荼,料下月中推出;今年內也會推售九龍東啟德協調道10號天璽.天第1 ...全文


NOVO LAND第2A期未來兩周重啟銷售部署

... 項目第1期YOHO WEST;今年內推售九龍東啟德協調道10號天璽.天第1期及天璽.海第1期。 ...全文


風暴肆虐英國 至少4人罹難

... (East and West Midlands)為洪災最嚴重的地區,其中蘇格蘭東部過去一周出現兩次紅色天氣警報 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年10月23日

The new industrial politics

... a and the West created a rationale for policies to re-shore and further develop industries deemed essential to national security. Economic theory and international law have long recognized the existen ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-20

adidas再上調預測 料僅蝕8.3億

歐洲最大體育用品公司adidas去年結束與美國黑人饒舌歌手Kanye West的合作關係後,因成功減少Yeez ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2023年10月19日


... 及約旦所佔領的西岸(West Bank)及東耶路撒冷(East Jerusalem),以色列得以維持巴勒斯坦地 ...全文


一手市暫銷8340伙 5巨擘佔七成半

... 項目第1期YOHO WEST(1393伙),以及元朗站上蓋The YOHO Hub II(939伙),相信該集 ...全文


The binary temptation

... rt of the West – and the sheer arrogance of thinking that a botched containment attempt could suffice in keeping Russia out of a backyard it had always eyed with keenness. Recent events call for us to ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-13

Thinking fast and slow: On Hong Kong as a tourist hub

... wing Sino-West tensions, have collectively culminated in the seeming cratering of Hong Kong’s tourism industry. The ‘mojo’ that had once sustained this very inexorable machine, has apparently vanished ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-10

情侶1.57萬租West Park兩房山景

深水埗West Park中層C室,實用面積約321方呎,2房間隔,向北望山景,以約1.6萬元放租約1個月後,獲 ...全文


英國會補選 工黨完勝蘇格蘭民族黨

英國國會周四(5日)在蘇格蘭拉瑟格倫和哈密爾頓西區(Rutherglen and Hamilton West) ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年10月07日

1393伙獲批售樓花 月跌53%
首三季六成未開賣 新地佔最多

... 項目第1期YOHO WEST預售樓花申請,涉及1393伙,單位數目按月減少53.5%。不過,單計今年首9個月, ...全文


9月一新盤申請預售 涉123個單位

... 項目第1期YOHO WEST。 ...全文


Should judges punish young offenders too harshly?

... us in the West is that the Hong Kong judiciary is getting less independent. I know that is not entirely correct, but perception is reality. Changing that perception requires soul searching. I didn't s ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-05


... 黨籍的西米德蘭茲郡(West Midlands)首長史崔特(Andy Street)更狠批辛偉誠正在摧毀未來, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年10月05日

Should judges punish young offenders too harshly?

... us in the West is that the Hong Kong judiciary is getti ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2023年10月05日

What Hong Kong can learn from Hangzhou in Night Bazaar?

... he famous West Lake, is a must-go local and tourist destination. Half of the stalls sold cultural and creative handmade products such as ghost masks of Sun Wukong aka Monkey King and Spiderman. One ca ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-04

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