
共 17 個結果

Low-cost carriers may not always be the best deal

With the summer travel season approaching, many of my friends are taking a fresh look at low-cost carriers (LCCs) in a bid to trim their holiday expenses. Some have found really good bargains, such as ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-03


杜如風早前主持的電視節目《關西攻略》大獲好評,雖然日圓滙價回升至七算,但仍無減大家外遊日本的熱情,很多朋友知道 ...全文

今日信報理財投資年青有計WY Jimmy2016年06月03日

What's wrong with Hong Kong's education system?

Given that we had a series of student suicide cases in Hong Kong recently, I'd like to share my thoughts on education as a father of two kids. I often oversee my twin boys' homework even though I have ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-18


承接本欄上星期Bittermelon鴻文,本文講述最近接連有學生自殺問題,筆者作為孿生兒之父對教育的想法。 雖 ...全文

今日信報理財投資年青有計WY Jimmy2016年03月18日

Tsang's latest budget has many bright spots

Financial Secretary John Tsang Chun-wah on Wednesday delivered his ninth budget speech. The top finance official has a history of vastly underestimating the city's surplus/deficit. But he has won grea ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-27


本年度《財政預算案》星期三出籠,與過去多年一樣,筆者都會在此欄評論預算案。眨眨眼,原來今次是曾司長第9份預算案 ...全文

今日信報理財投資年青有計WY Jimmy2016年02月26日

Policy address fails to inspire hope amid challenges

Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying's fourth policy address has failed to boost his record-low ratings. I think it lacked long-term planning and opened himself to criticism. Two worthwhile initiatives. Th ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-01


梁特首發表了新一份《施政報告》,撇除特首民望及有心人針對性反對外,民意上事實都不獲好評,筆者說句公道話,有些都 ...全文

今日信報理財投資年青有計WY Jimmy2016年01月29日

HK should focus on quality, not quantity, in tourism

Universal Studios has outlined plans to build a huge new theme park in Beijing. Some observers took the news as another sign that international firms are choosing to bypass Hong Kong when it comes to ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-21


筆者早兩個星期分析香港旅遊業界受地租問題影響,很多朋友讀者都向我回應說屬實但也是難以改變的現實,也有批評筆者在 ...全文

今日信報理財投資年青有計WY Jimmy2015年09月18日

Why Hong Kong is not attracting big spenders

We’ve seen many headlines about a slowdown in inbound travel to Hong Kong where tourism authorities have just wound up an HK$80 million (US$10.32 million) campaign to attract short-haul holiday makers ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-05


陸續有報道本地到境旅業(In-bound Travel)及零售疲弱;另本港旅發局早前為刺激短途及海外旅客來港而 ...全文

今日信報理財投資年青有計WY Jimmy2015年09月04日

Uber needs to be regulated, not barred

In Hong Kong, there are three Uber services available, Uber Black, Uber Taxi and Uber Van. Uber taxi is similar to licensed taxi and it charges based on the meter. Uber Van is quite similar to GoGoVan ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-15

Uber揭灰色地帶 取締不如監管

警方在本周兩度高調展示「放蛇」行動拘捕Uber(優步)數名司機,有市民表示支持政府依例執法;也有的表示現在法例 ...全文

今日信報理財投資年青有計WY Jimmy2015年08月14日

Why young accountants don't have good promotion prospects

I came across some astonishing data during a recent seminar. It has been reported that more than 60 percent of employees in the accounting sector want to change jobs. Turnover has hit 20 percent. As f ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-06


前陣子主持一個關於各世代人事管理的講座,內容非常豐富,當中卻看到一些統計數據令我嚇一跳--都知道會計員工流動性 ...全文

今日信報理財投資年青有計WY Jimmy2015年07月03日


去年聽林奮強先生一個講座,解說獅城這數年間進步的地方,也有提出很多具體方案建議香港可如何追過來,引發我到新加坡 ...全文

今日信報理財投資年青有計WY Jimmy2015年06月19日


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