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陳梓華:黎感被捕「係好事」 有利《蘋果》銷量

... me here - we can’t afford one more lost in the internat ...全文



...  project, we  find significantly higher real GDP per ca ...全文


What can be done to tackle climate crisis

Dr. Jane Goodall, the renowned primatologist and anthropologist, said, "What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make." As we reflect on the year 2023 ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-22


... c theory, we supplement experimental data with non-expe ...全文



... e are allowed to lie, as long as we are not bringing th ...全文


Equip young people for the future

... ieve that we should return to the basics, and the ability to solve real-life problems is eternal, and the ability to analyse problems is a prerequisite. As 80% of data is estimated to be location-cent ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-15


... ck的《關鍵報告》與We Can Remember It for You Wholesale,或當代科幻一絕、 ...全文


Hong Kong must tell a more candid and balanced China story

There exists a curious bifurcation in international discourse on China today. On one hand, there are those who prevaricate between either of the following narratives – firstly that China has purported ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-12

Are we raising a generation of leaders, or of followers?

... hools. If we teach our students that conformity, uniformity, and risk-averse adherence to the norm (and so-called normality) are to be fetishised, they will duly comply. If we teach them that differen ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-12

光榮的告別 專訪SEVVA創辦人Bonnae Gokson

... helsea Flower Show的Gold Medal獎得主設計天花頂層花海,並由她親自指揮將數以萬朵的絲花一朵朵一絲不苟地掛到天花上。在花海下掛上的是她嘔心瀝血之作:Gypsy chandelier。Gypsy chandelier由三十六盞顏色長度不一的chandelier組成,每盞吊燈長1.7米,再加上超過76,000件、分別有10多種形狀、20種珠寶色調、全人手打磨的水晶與一般水晶燈, ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-12

The urgent need for reforms to sex education in Hong Kong

... orrect answers out of 12 key questions regarding conception, sexually transmissible infections (STI) and HIV/AIDS. This displays a worrying phenomenon: Hong Kong’s teenagers are woefully undereducated ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-11

North Korea could be a different country

...  the northwestern city of Sinuiju, across the Yalu Rive ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2024年04月11日

STEAM should be linked to real life

...  Although we should not expect quick wins, with billions of public funds being invested, the effectiveness of STEAM is undoubtedly attracting attention. If we look at the recent candidature in advance ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-08

North Korea could be a different country

...  the northwestern city of Sinuiju, across the Yalu River from Dandong in Liaoning province. Jong-il had frequently visited China and seen the success of its SEZs, and how Beijing had combined rapid ec ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-05

China rolls out red carpet for foreign CEOs–will it work?

Last week China rolled out the red carpet for dozens of ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2024年04月04日


... 量,放在他家門口,「We are not judged by our intentions but our a ...全文


Let trees speak for themselves

... h as manpower and equipment among the departments. According to the research conducted by the Legislative Council Secretariat, the manpower of the above eight core departments varies considerably – th ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-02

身體力行走進社區 以醫療專業回饋社會

... 近50萬元,支持其「We Are Here──多專業學童情緒健康計劃」,資助38名受情緒困擾、曾經歷創傷及需適 ...全文


China rolls out red carpet for foreign CEOs – will it work?

This week China rolled out the red carpet for dozens of Western chief executives and insisted that its reform and open-door policies would continue and they had an important role in its future. On Wed ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-28

Does Hong Kong have the right not to enact article 23 laws?

... nment” as well as other offences. But the law that just came into effect contains no provisions against these two crimes. Why? In its consultation document, the government referred to the mainland dra ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-27

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